GambrinusVJF_January (ver. 1) Not running

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The strategy uses RSI indicator for overbought and oversold markets. It works on 1 min timeframe . Time of the day is used as a filter for position opening. During the high volatility it opens a position in the direction of the trend and in lower volatility time of the day it opens a position in a opposite way than the trend.

Zusammengefasste Gewinn/Verlust Dynamik

Ausgewählter Zeitraum: 01.09.2014 - 30.09.2014

Full Stats

Stände (Punkte): 39 (196)
Performance, $ (Punkte): 100,00K$ (96)
Drawdown, % (Punkte): 0% (50)
Bonuses: 50
Average Profit Trade: 0,00K$
Average Loss Trade: 0$
Profit Faktor: 0,00K
Anzahl der Trades: 0
Gehandeltes Volumen: 0,00M$
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