ArTS_t0524 (ver. 1) Running

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ArTS_t0524 is an Aroon Trading Strategy. It uses Aroon 48 period to determine buy or sell positons. If Aroon Down is 100 in 48 period, a buy position is opened and existing sell position is stopped. If Aroon Up is 100 in 48 period, a sell positon is opened and existing buy position is stopped. For each 100 (Aroon Up or Down), the equity is tested, if the equity is below the Initial Equity, the position is closed and a new position is openned with an increment of 1.7 times of the last lost amount. This process is repeated until Aroon 100 test is associated to equity above Initial Equity.

Кумулятивный график П/У

Выбранный период: 01.05.2024 - 31.05.2024


Рейтинг (очков): 1 (285)
Эффективность, $ (очков): 162,83K$ (199)
Drawdown, % (очков): 0% (50)
Bonuses: 36
Average Profit Trade: 7,00K$
Average Loss Trade: -333.36$
Фактор прибыльности: 0,02K
Количество трейдов: 20
Проторгованный объем: 116,33M$
us_copiosus avatar
us_copiosus 2 Май

Don't know who is copying who here but we have two strategies which are identical apart from the indicators used and some variable values...not even any attempt to disguise the duplication :(

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