Community22 (ver. 2019) Not running

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Connect and win, will not loose. always win, always make many anywhere anytime. Connect and win, will not loose. always win, always make many anywhere anytime.

Dinâmica acumulados Lucro/Perdas

Seleccionar período: 01.06.2019 - 30.06.2019

Full Stats

Classificação (pontos): 3 (272)
Desempenho, $ (pontos): 225,57K$ (200)
Drawdown, % (pontos): 22.06% (39)
Bonuses: 33
Average Profit Trade: 22,49K$
Average Loss Trade: -20344.83$
Factor de perfil: 0,00K
Número de trades: 25
Volumes negociados: 532,08M$
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