NinjaRSI14a (ver. 1) Not running

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NinjaRSI14a , new version of the NinjaRSI14, changes is made on the stop loss where changed from 150 pips to 30 pips.

Dynamique des pertes/profits cumulés

Période choisie: 01.04.2024 - 30.04.2024

Full Stats

Classements (points): 99 (154)
Performance, $ (points): 42,91K$ (99)
Drawdown, % (points): 60.11% (20)
Bonuses: 35
Average Profit Trade: 2,69K$
Average Loss Trade: -11939.33$
Facteur de profit: 0,00K
Nombre d'opérations: 81
Volumes traités: 727,51M$
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