scMay2024 (ver. 2) Not running

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scMay2024 - USD/JPY month. The longer-term move indicates a strong bullish momentum. Considering the Daily charts the current price action (despite the likely recent BoJ intervention) still favors longs. Although the recent BoJ playbook just sparked potential quick and large moves to the downside. Longs are configured using StochRSI for the 5 and 10-minute charts. Shorts are configured using the StochRSI for the 15-minute charts.

Ganan/Pérd dinámicas acumuladas

Periodo seleccionado: 01.05.2024 - 31.05.2024

Full Stats

Posiciones (puntos): 106 (145)
Desempeño, $ (puntos): 40,82K$ (93)
Drawdown, % (puntos): 59.18% (20)
Bonuses: 32
Average Profit Trade: 4,86K$
Average Loss Trade: -3595.35$
Factor de Beneficio: 0,00K
Número de operaciones: 64
Volumen negociado: 600,31M$
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