Mannes_drippler (ver. 2) Running

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Mannes_Drippler .Strategy Description. The strategy uses three indicators. Bollingerband default period 10 Min T.Period 20 WillR default period10 Min T.Period 14 Persbands period default 10 Min T. Period 20 When the levels or conditions are reached, the strategy buys or sells. SL=40 TP=40 If the strategy runs into the minus, the next position is tripled etc. The strategy has high risk and is made only for the contest. Good luck

تغير محصل الربخ و الخسارة

المدة المحددة: 01.06.2024 - 30.06.2024

Full Stats

Standings (نقاط): 57 (200)
اداء, $ (نقاط): 89,98K$ (125)
Drawdown, % (نقاط): 20.1% (40)
Bonuses: 35
Average Profit Trade: 11,94K$
Average Loss Trade: -7265$
عامل الربح: 0,00K
عدد الصفقات: 4
حجم التداول المحقق: 21,33M$
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