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The market is steadily manipulated.

Stop doing analysis,they don't work!
The truth is that those strategies simply do not work.
Read the title.
Do you really think that Eur/Usd will raise because a moving average crossed up another?
Those strategies are available to everyone because in the end they do not work.
To be a successful trader you do not need to have special knowledge in mathematics or be the economists who make complicated analysis. You must go to the source, understand and learn the real dynamics that move the market e
翻訳する: 英語 オリジナルを表示


Good evening, community!
You have already heard that almost every trader isn’t succesfull. Why?
It’s simple. Almost every trader doesn’t know the real dynamics behind the market, and what makes the market move. Basically this is a lack of knowledge and strategy. Second, there is a lack of psychology, when trading and when we are not watching charts. You need a winning and safe strategy, and have the right psychological approach to trading. In the market there are things that must happen,every da…
翻訳する: 英語 オリジナルを表示