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Man VS Woman

Hi everyone! This video is in Russian and it’s second part men vs women. In Denmark. For me this question is always interesting and not depending on country. But as long as I live in Denmark I would want to share how I see the difference between these two genders. Little spoil about the video to thouse who is not speaking Russian I think that girls in Denmark more feminists and men are super bad romantics. As I got everything in this country about equality between genders. Is it bad? Is it not c…
翻訳する: 英語 オリジナルを表示

Cheating dilemma

Cheat is a choice, not a consequence.
I am not sure if I can forgive a cheat. Nobody cheat to me so far. But I did. Many times. I can’t stop. Don’t want to give you excuses but true. If I feel desire, I follow it. No way to stop. Otherwise it’s gonna be like a virus which is in your head become more and more annoying till moment when owns your head completely. It’s kind of curiousy. Like new fruit or car. But I think people accept it too serious. Because in the end cheating is just animal desire…
翻訳する: 英語 オリジナルを表示

Danish people. Video

Hi everyone! In this video I want to tell you about the differences between men and women but not Russian, Danish. I speak Russian in this video and found behavior of danish people is very different to Russians. They have different attitude to genders, life and world. They prefer go nature instead of luxury hotel or resort, don’t show how rich are they, and absolutely crazy about riding bikes. Cyclers are the same like drivers, with their own road, lights and rules. Would like to share it with a…
翻訳する: 英語 オリジナルを表示