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Hello people!
Do you like to take exercises? I really do
Those who want to see their bodies in a good shape visit gym every day. But there are many common possibilities to do sport in conditions we live.
Imagine just a park near the house or the long lanes down the streets with infrequent cars that drive by. Jogging is rather better to do in the street than on the treadmill. When you are running along the lane, you see the view and breathe the fresh air.
If work is connected to day-to-day sittin…
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When I woke up several days ago and looked at the thermometer, I freezed. It showed -27 degrees Celsius. Actually such temperature is rare in our region where all winters usually aren't colder than -5. And it was better to stay at home than to go for a walk but I went out regardless of the frost.
It's really bad sensation to rub the nose due to the frost that bites it continually like piercing needles. So I had to come to the shops in order to warm my nose and limbs.
Though, such a cold weather …
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Congrats on the New Year!

Hello, people! I decided to write several wishes for the New Year. They are all for Dukascopy community and for my relatives and friends too.
May the New Year bring to you warmth of love and a guiding light on your path towards a positive destination.
No matter if every sunset steels one day from our life, but every sunrise gives us one another day to hope! I wish new hopes will always be a part of our lifes.
Many people await New Year’s celebration to make a new start to their old habits. I wis…
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