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My reflections as of now

The trinity god are not watching
The mountain god are not watching
The sacred water is not watching
The temple authorities are not watching
The fellow beings are not watching
The secret society is not watching
Those who are watching are my natural friends
Those who are not watching are my divine friends
Towards the methods
I come across
Towards the inward I come cross across
I lived all my life fully
I cautioned all my life with disability
My hunger is only withdrawn
My thirst is o…
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Fizatata avatar
Fizatata 15 Set

Sorry, Mr GK, can you help me?

GK_Tecvison avatar

Hi Fizatata, I can definitely help you solve all your problems. But I need to understand them deeply and also I need to spend considerable amount of time. I created my profile at Fibler. Why do not you visit and give your feedback. With best wishes, Karnati Narayana

Fizatata avatar
Fizatata 15 Set

Thank you

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In the hype or without the hype

Knowing is not a disease
Not knowing is definitely a disease
My mother is knowledgeable
My brothers are even knowledgeable
They offended the sequence by not telling me
They created havoc by not telling me
They think they can manage
But they fail to manage
I am not supported by today’s fortune
I am even not supported by tomorrow’s fortune
My people and few people are very
They made me enough
I have a capability to nurture the gigantic plane
I have the capability to answer the giganti…
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Guldana avatar
Guldana 15 Set

you are a very interesting person. I see through you, I see your aura. Can you tell me something about me?

GK_Tecvison avatar

Hi Guldana, Thank you for approaching me. I saw your photos and here are my observations. 1. You like lengthy conversations 2. You dislike company of multitude cheaters. 3. You got cheated by your friend by proposing you. So you got a spot on your facial sadness. 4. You went into depression 3 times and came back with support from doctors. 5. You have very distinguished eating habits that differentially brings aura in your life. 6. You do not want to get company from distant relatives who are trying to propose you. 7. You are deeply in love with your hubby and he embraces it. 8.You have courage

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Becoming divine and knowing the requirments

With support I become answerable
With out support I become discontinued
Are you listening my voice?
Are you listening my breath?
I am not a prepared
I am only a very diluted
I can only answer one question
I can maintain innumerable
See .. Look at me
My way is approaching the readiness
My way is beautiful gathering
My way is wisdom
My way is suggestion
My way is algorithm based on wisdom
My name is not known to any one
I am only a devoted
Look are you listening t…
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