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Falling in Love Online

It’s hard to give an objective opinion on this topic as I believe everyone has a personal experience - some people will say social networks gave them a great opportunity to find love of their life, and other people will stand against online dating, convincing others that there are plenty of disadvantages as scams, lack of so called "real thing" . And both of the sides will be right.
So, instead of listing all the pros and cons, let me tell you much more interesting stuff about online dating in C…
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Light! Camera! Action!

It’s always easier to criticize than to create better, especially in film industry. Filmmaking is not a simple process, and success of the movie depends on many factors and requires one great team effort. Producer, director, scriptwriter, actors, DP, editor, sound and costume designers…and many more participants must be just right to make a good movie.
So, I’m not going to criticize anything today. Instead, let me tell you about a movie I recently watched, unexpectedly loved it so much and high…
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ptuwka avatar
ptuwka 31 juillet

Wow loved your review. I should definitely watch Casino now. Have you seen "Taxi driver", also by Scorsese? Young Robert de Niro is priceless and the movie is just classic <3

Katyas777 avatar
Katyas777 31 juillet

Thank you! Yes, I watched “Taxi Driver”, love how the ambience of NYC night street life at those times is expressed there. There is a big message in this story as well. And yes, De Niro is just brilliant

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What's in the Bag?

Bag is definitely an integral attribute for every girl. It is not only a beautiful accessory, but also a functional storage of things. A few words about my favourite bag that you see on the picture - it looks absolutely gorgeous (combination of colours that fits most of my wardrobe and unusual design) and still very practical (perfect size, not too big and not too small), just exactly what I need to place there everything I want in it and still look elegant.
So, let’s check out what is there in…
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