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Massimoscalas has taken 10th place in Dukat Contest Jul - Aug 2018

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Today we are talking about the pound / Canadian dollar, a cross in free fall for weeks, since when, the concerns related to the brexit have regained strength, after that several parties are starting to talk openly about the exit of Britain from the EU without a agreement. On the other hand, there is still uncertainty about the NAFTA negotiations involving the US, Canada and Mexico and the feeling is that the pound is destined to accelerate its fall as the end of the year approaches, the deadline…
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Today we are still dealing with the euro / dollar pair. The week just ended was marked by a lateral phase, which does not change the medium-term bearish trend. Concerns related to the unresolved issues of Brexit, the growing worries for the populist government in Italy and the Turkish crisis still present on the international scene are pushing the euro down. The weekly, shows us that after the break of the neck line of the great figure head-shoulders, we had a pullback, with the price contained …
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