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Yagidka has taken 78th place in 911 Contest Aug 2017

قراءة القصة كاملة
الترجمة الى الانجليزية اظهار الاصلي
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Take Care of Yourself

The summer is here.
And for many of us it’s a time of vacations, a time of being free from school or a slow time at work or in your business.
So it’s a good time to focus on taking extra good care of yourself to unwind, decompress and to recharge.
And that’s exactly what this week’s article is all about.
1. Just watch the clouds go by.
During the months of continuous intense work it’s easy to get trapped in the mindset that you have to do something pretty much all the time. This can add a lot of…
قراءة القصة كاملة
الترجمة الى الانجليزية اظهار الاصلي
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