
IgorUkra won a prize position in the Live FX Trader Contest

Congratulations, IgorUkra has finished 18th in the Live FX Trader Contest, 16th January, 2021 - 22nd January, 2021, and ...
3 2月

IgorUkra created new gallery

24 1月

IgorUkra won a prize position in the Live FX Trader Contest

Congratulations, IgorUkra has finished 19th in the Live FX Trader Contest, 25th January, 2020 - 31st January, 2020, and ...
3 2月

IgorUkra won a prize position in the Live FX Trader Contest

Congratulations, IgorUkra has finished 4th in the Live FX Trader Contest, 4th January, 2020 - 10th January, 2020, and...
14 1月

IgorUkra predicted bullish impact of RBA Meeting's Minutes in the Fundamental analysis Contest

16 2月

IgorUkra registered for Fundamental analysis

16 2月