Feed de actividad

Acadua liked a photo to the album Miss Dukascopy Contest

24 Jul

Acadua liked a photo to the album Miss Dukascopy Contest

24 Jul

Acadua liked a photo to the album Miss Dukascopy Contest

24 Jul

Acadua liked a photo to the album Miss Dukascopy Contest

24 Jul

Acadua liked a photo to the album Miss Dukascopy Contest

24 Jul

Acadua predicted bullish impact of ISM Manufacturing PMI in the Fundamental analysis Contest

1 May

Acadua registered for Fundamental analysis

1 May

Acadua uploaded new photo to the album Miss Dukascopy Contest

Acadua created new gallery to the album Miss Dukascopy Contest

Miss Dukascopy

20 Sep

Acadua liked a photo to the album Miss Dukascopy Contest

AnnaMarkova created new gallery to the album Miss Dukascopy Contest

Miss Dukascopy

29 Ago

Acadua uploaded new photo

Acadua created new gallery

New album

29 Ago