
dinka16 registered for Fundamental analysis

8 Feb.

dinka16 wrote a comment in the Fundamental analysis Contest

Думаю падает
8 Feb.

dinka16 wrote a comment in the Fundamental analysis Contest

8 Feb.

dinka16 wrote a comment to the photo

День рожденья дочери

dinka16 uploaded new photo

29 Oct.

dinka16 uploaded new photo

dinka16 created new gallery


29 Oct.

dinka16 wrote a comment to the photo

Суп-пюре из тыкви

dinka16 uploaded new photo

29 Oct.

dinka16 wrote a comment to the photo

Быстрый наполеон

dinka16 uploaded new photo

29 Oct.

dinka16 wrote a comment to the photo

Монастырская изба из блинчиков

dinka16 uploaded new photo

29 Oct.

dinka16 wrote a comment to the photo

День рожденья дочери

dinka16 uploaded new photo

29 Oct.