Блог jezz


Watching the Days Go By

I spent so much time here trying to cheer myself up, trying to cheer you all up.
The fact is I'm hiding from life as it is. This is a place of my recognition or something. I get a feeling I'm achieving something.
Yesterday I realized all the things I want that I don't have in my real life. I just watch the days go by in deed, doing nothing, moving nowhere. My pep talk here doesn't work in practice.
I'll write something worthy of reading, not just fill the blank page. My life is a blank page now.…
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verindur avatar
verindur 14 Июнь

I have not seen anybody here speaking so honestly from the heart. You are one natural blogger here. Even I don't express so many emotions that honestly. KEEP IT UP.

VictoriaVika avatar
VictoriaVika 9 Сент.

You a great. I fell  this one your post under my skin. I have same feeling nowadays. Thanks :)

jezz avatar
jezz 10 Сент.

My dear Viktorija :* I had amazing 3 months, took off to another journey to look for ... Well, still figuring out. I have decided to turn my life upside down, challenge all my beliefs to find "mistakes". I am awake now, and not "ready", but different. I have found my restless need to write, even on Instagram :)))) So I believe I will continue blogging on this site, maybe start my own site of "stories to tell to grandchildren". God knows I have a crazy life story to tell :)))  Let yourself go. Do the opposite of what you think, go out with a guy you'd never go out with.... @victo

VictoriaVika avatar
VictoriaVika 10 Сент.

jezz  thank you my dear, I wish you best of lucj in everything, what you do! You are so sincere, thank you for this

jezz avatar
jezz 10 Сент.

... Accept a plane ticket to another country and hotel from a guy you never saw in your life just because "he wants to meet you" (I still can't believe I did it), go to a job interview and say "you better pay that guy really good", and get away with all that, spend all your life savings to start from scratch :))))) This is a sample of crazy stuff I did in the past 3 months, I feel like I have wings now :D VictoriaVika

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Some Beauties

I posted today on my wall one picture of a Belgrade sunset... I've been taking so many pictures lately, I decided to share some more with you.
The first three pictures were taken on the same day, within one or two hours... This is why I'm in love with sunsets here. And neither one of the pictures of sunsets was filtered, altered or Photoshopped. You get to see the originals. Amazing
Even though the Little Prince says that one loves sunsets when one is sad, you think.
This picture is taken from t…
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Anna_Konoplyastaya avatar

какая красотка)

jezz avatar
jezz 4 Июнь

Thank you. I didn't know how beautiful my town can be sometimes

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How to Go to Bed Earlier?

Here's my new prayer

Dear sleep, I know we had problems when I was a child, but I love you now
I think my problem is - food. I try to gain some weight, so I eat when my body is not used to - all day. And the problem is that I can't sleep. And in the morning I hate myself. Well, not hate hate, but my face is telling its story that I don't like. I'd like to keep this face for some time fresh and fluffy.
Now I have to get back to the drawing board
Here's the goal - go to bed at least before 1am, t…
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Daytrader21 avatar
Daytrader21 2 Июнь

I'm looking for some advice as well:)...bad sleeper here:))

ilonalt avatar
ilonalt 2 Июнь

Similar with me - i have a habit to go sleep late, i simple cant fallen a sleep earlier and almost always my morning begins early - for example, today went to bed at almost 01 and got up at 05.15

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Discipline - Key of Success

We have all read so many stories on how to become a successful trader. We all know to do the math, and it always comes down to psychology.
From what I know, the Holy Grail of trading is discipline.
And so it is in life.
I've been staying up late for a couple of months now. Yet, I'm trying to make myself get up at 7. Not working so well. I'm still going to bed at 2-3am. Not good. My life was so much more in order when I didn't have internet (which can be counted in decades now :P). Just kidding,…
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agddivisas avatar
agddivisas 1 Июнь

discipline and constancy, very important.

jezz avatar
jezz 1 Июнь

I believe that discipline will eventually lead to constancy

mag avatar
mag 2 Июнь

Military Naval Academy discipline. Order, and from there what you want.

jezz avatar
jezz 2 Июнь

Do you think they accept 35 year old women in the Military Academy? :P

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Women Fashion Freaks

I never paid much attention to all that ''matching colors'' thing you call fashion. I always looked for functional things, probably because I was stuck in my work. But...
Now when I look at my closet, things have changed pretty much. And a lot.
Let's say how a female closet looks in total
- shirts - sports, work, long - short sleeves, blouses, sweaters...
- trousers - skinny, super skinny, low waist, high waist, jeans, elegant...
- skirts - mini, maxi, wide, A shape, pencil...
- dresses - long, …
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khalidamassi avatar
khalidamassi 3 Июнь

nice post but I dislike Lady Gaga

jezz avatar
jezz 3 Июнь

Well, the music was quite appropriate. IT was either her or Rammstein - Model :D

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Sarcasm or Making a Statement

Sometimes I think I'm too rude, sometimes I think it's the best way to keep the unwanted people out of my private space - virtual or offline (that's another subject).
Saying honest what you think is a characteristic of children (best explained in the book ''What Game are You Playing?''. As you grow up, you tend to keep your opinion to yourself, since you have learned that honesty is not quite the best policy. Yet, some of us don't shut up so easy.
My opinion about people has kept a specific gro…
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verindur avatar
verindur 28 Май

Stupidity is self-defined, relative and  humorous too. Sarcasm is a good answer. But if the stupidity doesn't understand sarcasm then perhaps you are going to look stupid. Best option is laugh it away. The person will never understand whether you are laughing at him/her or at his jokes. And you never hurt the person. I do hurt people accidently most of the time because of my straightforward behaviour and humour. So generally I keep my opinion to myself but if I find a person like you then I won't. It just clicks to my mind that this person appreciates honesty.

mag avatar
mag 28 Май

Jezz direct as always. Always. I like.

Jignesh avatar
Jignesh 29 Май

I think often what's more important is the  way you say it more then what you say.  Difference between being rude and honest

dragandj avatar
dragandj 30 Май

this is so much like you.

jezz avatar
jezz 31 Май

verindur I think my liars post will reveal my point of view. Better to hurt straight in the head. Really lies hurt a lot lot more

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Funny Pictures - Why?

Why do I always post funny pictures in my posts?
I don't understand either. I have a pretty cool collection of pictures, but I always found those who spam me with them annoying. Or people who post nothing but funny pictures. I keep those I find funny and I have a pretty good memory of what I have.
So no matter what happens to me in one day, I know I have a funny picture that inspires me. That's how my thoughts evolve around one funny thing.
I think it's a kind of defense mechanism I have develo…
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Nadin5794 avatar
Nadin5794 27 Май


verindur avatar
verindur 27 Май

You have a lot of hidden emotions that you override with different activities.

jezz avatar
jezz 28 Май

I override them with humor. I know that all the 'happiest' people carry most pain in them. I met a happier person than me... shallow people see the smile, those who care see immense pain behind that

Jignesh avatar
Jignesh 29 Май

your blog = Comic relief.. keep doing what you're doing! :)

jezz avatar
jezz 29 Май

I figured that :P I'll keep on :D

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Mindset - Pink!

This is my Robin Sharma style post. But I believe in the text bellow. Except 'pink' maybe.
Laughing is my best medicine, kisses are the thing that recharges batteries, I take salt and tequila when life sends me lemons, I know that I radiate happiness that everyone sees...
I am a rational person, of course tomorrow is coming, But also this moment now will be called 'yesterday'.
And I believe that coincidences may happen, you just need to set the stage for them to happen. That doesn't mean you ha…
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Anna_Konoplyastaya avatar


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Read This Post, then Act

Dear Friends,
I have decided to make this move as my own try to help. I have already given what I have, I feel helpless in my own home while horror is happening in other parts of my country.
Friends losing their homes, separated from families, losing their loved ones. My 3 previous posts are about floods in Serbia.
Our Prime Minister said on Friday - what do I do with 100.000$? We need helicopters, pumps, boats.
Half of EU countries have sent help, Russia, USA, UAE will give their own donation.
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seediee avatar
seediee 19 Май

Same in Croatia! Horror! :(((

jezz avatar
jezz 19 Май

I changed my profile picture with the one I took from you. No one knows it's Croatia, it looks the same now :(

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Running Marathon - Part 2

In the previous post (link) we have reached 3,5 kilometers of the walk through Belgrade to respond to Nastia's challenge. This post will be around another 3 kilometers of walking on the Belgrade fort. It deserves its part of fame here.
So, when you reach the end of the pedestrian zone, you go to Kalemegdan - the old fort. Built in 535 under the reign of emperor Justinian I, and today the most important historical monument of Belgrade. For more information, consult …
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dragandj avatar
dragandj 16 Май

i didn't see kalamegdan in years

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