Viktoria_Kapitonova's Blog


My beauty secrets: 2 :)

Plump lips without injections: simply and effectively!
I stand for naturalness! But the full lips - it's so sexy ... Well, there is a compromise!
We all know that lip augmentation is a number one cosmetic surgery in the world! Nowadays, it is harder to find a girl who never did this then the opposite. However, why to expose yourself to unsafe injection procedure to correct the lips? There are other ways - temporary solutions, but completely safe!
1. Peppermint oil
The easiest and the most af…
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ajnje avatar
ajnje 30 Jan

I will do it

Aislu avatar
Aislu 8 Fev

класс))у меня у самой пухлые губы, нохочется больше без препаратов)спаисбо за статью)

RahmanSL avatar
RahmanSL 29 Abr

such luscious lips

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My beauty secrets: 1 :)

Polishing Hair – The easiest way to get rid of split ends!
Hey, it is me again! Today, I would like to share with you one of my beauty secrets!
Excited to learn what it is? Keep reading!
So, get ready to hear my story!
I'm personally obsessed with hair; I like to make my hair wavy, curly, straight. I like to do different hair styles and so on.
However, as we all know, that can be very damaging for the hair L
So, as I mentioned previously, today I would like to share with you one of my secr…
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Vlad_55 avatar
Vlad_55 30 Jan

Хоть у меня волосы не секутся - интересный материал))))

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Talking about Trends

Hey, hey! It is me again! Today, I will tell you a little bit about my opinion on fashion and answer the question whether I blindly follow it or do something else?
Let's get started!
First of all, let's think for a minute what is fashion?
«Fashion is a popular style or practice, especially in clothing, footwear, accessories, makeup, body, or furniture. Fashion is a distinctive and often constant…
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Vicktoria avatar

+40 points Dukascopy compliment

nuonrg avatar
nuonrg 2 Fev

I thought price forex trading chart trends.. but this is also good ;) :P :D

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Let’s get started!

It has been 3 very exciting and unforgettable years.. 3 years I have been with Miss Dukascopy! I'm so glad I'm a part of this beautiful community and it is such an honor for me to be here with you! So, for those of you who doesn't know me yet - my name is Victoria! I'm 22 years old and I'm originally from Russia. For the past 6 years, I have been living in a beautiful country Bulgaria. I study in American University in Bulgaria and this year I will be graduating. Miss Dukascopy became a part of …
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Set & Sparkle

Сиять как бриллианты!!!
Почему мы говорим про макияж?
Давайте я расскажу, как сиял под лучами солнца на пляжах Пальм Джумейра мой новый купальник .
Итак поехали!
Свой купальник я покупала на сайте ASOS, это черный лиф, очень красиво украшенный серебристыми, малиновыми, золотыми, голубыми, синими, зелеными пайетками. Блестит на солнце великолепно!
Купальник полностью на подкладке. Причем удобство модели в том, что лиф и трусики можно приобрести независимо друг от друга, то есть верх и низ можно…
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Sweet November

Всем горячий привет!

Почему горячий?
Потому что я привезла Вам его из жаркого Дубая.
В мои осенние академические каникулы я снова оказалась в Эмиратах.
Второй раз в жизни я посетила знаменитую башню Бурж Халифа.
Напомню, что билет "на небо" следует брать за месяц и однозначно на 16-30 или 17 часов, это самое топовое время, когда Вы сможете увидеть и день и закат, и сумерки и ночь, находясь наверху башни.
В этот раз я разместилась прямо на "Пальме" в отеле Rixos The Palm Dubai .
Отличный отель, …
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wisdom_consultant avatar

крутое видео и полезная информация!

Viktoria_Kapitonova avatar

Спасибо, дорогая)))

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Find your Seat

Geneva Forex Event Fashion Show: What to wear?
If I was to attend a fashion show, I would definitely go for something bright and shiny. In order to show your individuality, the outfit has to be reflecting your personality: if you are energetic and active, go for brighter colors and brave designs.. If you are on a calmer side, stay loyal to nude/pastel colors and still look very stylish.
I personally would go for a sparkling dress and high-heels Sexy and classy, isn't it? Check this out and tel…
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FXRabbit avatar

Nice selections!

Viktoria_Kapitonova avatar

thank you!!!

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Light! Camera! Action!

My time on a plane:
"Me before you"

10 hour flight from Boston Logan Airport to Istanbul Ataturk Airport could not be the same without the movie «Me before you».Honestly, I haven not heard of this movie before I saw it on the list of the movies offered on a plane by Turkish Airlines company. I am not a big fan of drama movies because they are banal and too obvious at the end. However, something made me click on the screen in order to watch «Me before you».
The main c
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Star of Everything: Alan Rickman!

On January 14, on 70 year of life, died the famous British actor and Director - Alan Rickman. "The actor and Director Alan Rickman died from cancer at the age of 69, surrounded by family and friends."
Rickman was born on 21 February 1946, in London. In his youth, he took part in Amateur productions and later for many years was for the audience of cinema and theatre the embodiment of a British acting school.
Rickman made his debut in the theatre, playing Valmont from "dangerous relationships" o…
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Шикарно и стильно!

Очень мило и незабываемо!
Эти слова можно без устали повторять, глядя на роскошные орхидеи.
Как хочется чтобы они не увядали и восхищали!
И это стало возможно .
Много европейских производителей декора для помещений и декора для праздничных событий стали выпускать искусственные орхидеи, неотличимые от оригинала.
Каждая деталь изготавливается отдельно..соцветия и бутоны, пестики и тычинки, все делается с любовью и вниманием к деталям, затем на прессах придается нужная форма и изгибы, прокладывают…
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yellownight avatar

а кто на фото?

yellownight avatar


Viktoria_Kapitonova avatar

yellownight хаха и в правду похоже) фото было позаимствовано с просторов интернета)))

VictoriaVika avatar

да, очень стильно :)

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