

What trading this week

This trading month started with a bit of disappointment, there were some deviations in my estimates and therefore, my account balance currently stands at around $ 45K.I expect some corrections during this week, primarily I think the main focus will be on couples against Japanese Yen. Then my main affiliates will be USD / CASD, GBP / CAD, EUR / CAD, AUD / CAD and NZD / CAD.There is a rise in the interest rate for CAD and I consider CAD to weaken until Wednesday, then I expect strong CAD growth af…
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Trade JPY

The beginning of the month Jula went very hard, traders are indecisive to consider the option, whether we need to sell or buy USD.
I think that the GBP should continue to move forward, the EUR should also go up strong.
I think there is almost a turnaround against JPY.
GBP / JPY would have gone up to 147.90, at this price we have a strong long-term resistance, which is a major obstacle to a possible penetration above this price.
We need to see what the USD Average Hourly Earnings will receive on …
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Gor_an has taken 21st place in Trader Contest Jun 2017

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GBP is here at a high point

Hello everyone, here I am trying to analyze the situation on the market, I have no clear orientation where to go, but I think it should remain in buying EUR and GBP.
My special focus is on GBP because I strongly believe that GBP is underestimated, I'm going to dedicate most of my trading to GBP couples, but first I have to get rid of some open positions.
On Monday and Tuesday we had some disappointing information about GBP, which is why the GBP will be still under pressure, but I expect a sharp …
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Can you market today power for USD after drastic decline?

The EUR has come to a critical point where the price is currently resting on a decisive area, 1.1441 is the price that represents a very strong resistance from the predecessor long-term decreasing prices and resistance lines.Today, we have a lot of data disclosures, so you have to keep in mind that the price may go down well because the price is in a sort of scrip, or it will tread this fierce resistance line.Also the USD / CHF is heavily under pressure, so I really expect some pull back after m…
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The USD could correct after the release of GDP

The dollar continued to weaken after several conference speeches by several central bank governors.
The unbelievable rise of EUR and GBP has continued throughout this week, my opinion is that the USD may get little effective after the release of GDP today in the US.
We also have a second important factor on the market, it is end of the working month and we need to see what it will do next month, as the annual holiday season is close, so I think that the market should calm and stabilize next mont…
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This will be a very exciting day for trading

Today, it will be very interesting to see what some of these currencies will make on the market, I expect great shifts after
BOC Gov Poloz Speaks
ECB President Draghi Speaks
BOE Gov Carney Speaks
BOJ Gov Kuroda Speaks
I believe that there may be some new records especially for EUR, and GBP as it happened yesterday after Speech Draghi and Carney.
I also expect a positive USD reaction against exotic currency, so I think I need to stay in the positions I have previously opened.
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Tradig USD today

This morning, we could see that the USD could hardly take control of the market, systematically fall, and the question is when EUR and GBP will make the decisive moves to extricate strong US dollar strength.
AUD and NZD have done it somehow, breaking the basic resistance barriers from the previous days.
It remains to be seen how this fever will end this week, and the next month I expect a serious USD weakening.
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The Market today

Today, the USD has come in force, just like eight o'clock yesterday, only the JPY is under pressure, so we need to see what the Core Durable Goods Orders will be bringing in today, an improvement is expected, in case we get disappointed in the announcement, then we can Expect to strengthen the JPY.
AUD, GBP, NZD and EUR have already weakened, so I expect stabilization to open the American market.
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Will USD pull up this week

I expect a moderate USD strengthening this week, paying particular attention to the currency pair USD / CHF and EUR / USD.
I expect strong USD / CHF strength and very weak EUR / USD.
GBP could remain stable throughout the week, NZD / USD and AUD / USD could significantly weaken.
Also JPY pairs should weaken, I will stick to this plan, and I hope to improve the overall performance for this month's competition.
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