Elani's Blog


Decluttering your Life: Part 3

It may sound weird but relationships should be decluttered too. I am talking about relationships with people who negatively influence your life. Want it or not but you are directly influenced by the people who surround you. Their constant criticism and demotivation will fill you up with negative energy and will not let you grow. So don’t let them rent a valuable space in your head. It is an important step otherwise you will have to return to …
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Tach avatar
Tach 23 Gen

kasket lavna:)

Adnan83 avatar
Adnan83 26 Gen


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Decluttering your Life: Part 2

Have you ever been in a state when you feel yourself unfocused and restless because of lots of thoughts and ideas on your mind? That is the state I used to be in all the time earlier in my life and that is what I call mental clutter. I had lots of ideas I wanted to implement but I couldn’t focus on any of them. I had lots of thoughts about my past, the mistakes I had made and the opportunities I missed. And all this mental clutter was holding me from making decisions on how to move forward.
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Decluttering your Life: Part 1

Life decluttering is not a one-time only activity but a lifetime activity that should be done on a regular basis. It is not just about throwing needless things. For more success and happiness, a full life declutter is needed involving your physical, mental, emotional environments as well as habits and relationships.
Let’s start with the physical environment. It’s your home, workspace, handbag, car, etc. There can be a lot of old and useless things that you have kept over years. You may keep tho…
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Starting a Minimalistic Life

It took a long time for me to realize that the time is the most valuable currency that we use to pay for everything. I got very much concerned with it especially after watching the “In Time” movie that reflects “Time is money” saying in a very direct sense. In my opinion the movie has a lot of flaws but it can make you think about the value of your lifetime.
As soon as I got rid of materialistic behavior and stopped spending my lifetime in vain by paying for the stuff that wasn’t making me happy…
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Stopping the Materialistic Behavior

Let me start with some confessions.
There was a time I was shopping-addicted. I could go for a shopping when I was feeling stressed. It was some kind of stress therapy for me. No matter, what I would buy. It was providing a temporary relief for the stress I had. I could buy things that I would use once or twice. I could buy expensive gifts for people who were not too close to me. I could pay a large amount of money for a fitness package but don’t attend it as it was not suiting my needs. And all…
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What Is Happiness?

This is a question to which each of us may give a different answer.
However, the key is to realize that:
  • happiness is not in possessing the things you desire, no matter of their quantity
  • we can feel happy with the things we already have by reevaluating our value system
  • redirecting our continuous desires for new things/possessions into experiences may bring a lasting feeling of happiness.
So it’s not the maximum possessions that make people happy but the maximum experiences. They say you can't buy…
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Do Possessions Make You Happy?

Most people think that happiness is in possessing everything they need.
Everybody has basic needs and people live and work to satisfy those needs such as food, shelter, clothes, etc. When those basic needs are satisfied, new and new needs arise and people think they should have more money to satisfy those needs. They make a goal to earn more to possess all those things they need.
It is important to understand that the essential things people really need are not as much as they might think. All …
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s_amira avatar
s_amira 16 Gen

Счастливый человек - это тот, кто свободен от своих желаний!)))

Elani avatar
Elani 17 Gen

s_amira согласна с тобой )))

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Great Quotes From Warren Buffet

  1. When we are young we tend to spend all the income we get. And the quicker we can realize that we should save some of it to invest in creating a second source of income, the better. This will help us to reduce our dependence on our job and have a more stress-free life.
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ANABEVZ avatar

Thank you for such post! I like best of all 2nd quote)

isomere avatar
isomere 16 Ott

Les conseils bateaux de milliardaires sont toujours écoutés))

Jignesh avatar
Jignesh 18 Ott

good post! very inspirational

isomere avatar
isomere 18 Ott

Pour le 5, il est très en deçà de la vérité!!

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How to Simplify Your Trading

To simplify your trading you should follow the easy steps mentioned below.
Be realistic
Set realistic expectations. You can’t start making a lot of money quickly. To make money you should have an effective trading method and also consistently apply a lot of discipline and patience to that method over a long period of time.
Focus on major currency pairs
Why complicate your trading with exotic currencies that are usually difficult to trade because of erratic price movement and lack of market depth…
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ilonalt avatar
ilonalt 22 Ott

you wrote so many blogs about FX....as I know you dont trade in live.....but why you even dont participate in trader contest then? you should try, as it seems you know FX theoretically as well.

Elani avatar
Elani 23 Ott

ilonalt :) thanks for commenting, Actually I haven't opened a trading account yet, but once I decided to try demo but when opened the trading platforme I realized that I know nothing and closed it ))) now I am attending some seminars, so hope to start participating next month

isomere avatar
isomere 23 Ott

Quand Ilonat prend part à un concours, je fuis)))

ilonalt avatar
ilonalt 23 Ott

strange, why are you writing then if you know nothing about it :))) anyway, wish you good luck and hope to see you in trader contest soon :)

Elani avatar
Elani 23 Ott

))))) I am learning and writing at the same time, I also hope to start trading soon

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What is the Key To Success?

Habits are the keys to success in every aspect of our life as well as in trading. How to develop strong habits? The answer is – through consistency. Whatever you do consistently becomes a habit. If you consistently go to bed early and wake up early, it becomes a habit. If you consistently use a risk management plan and stick to your trading strategy without over-trading, you are likely to develop some very powerful trading habits that will result in becoming a successful trader.
Thus, consistenc…
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DominguezV avatar

Alcanzar la consistencia no es tarea fácil, depende de la capacidad de cada persona para levantarse cada vez que se cae, practica-realización con perseverancia, gracias Elani!

isomere avatar
isomere 16 Ott

Comment avoir le consistency....

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