Sasha_spicy's Blog


Favorite season!

Hello community! What is your favorite season of the year? Mine is summer and spring. Spring I love for the fact that after winter frosts, life in nature wakes up, snow melts, trees blossom, the grass becomes green, and the lungs are fill in with fresh spring air. And u feel that everything is not so bad and life is just beginning.
Summer I love bcz u can throw off a kilo of warm clothes and go out on the street light and walk all the days long, as it gets dark very late. I don't understand pe…
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diablo_1 avatar
diablo_1 4 Feb.

Winter for me.

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Winter mood

Зима это хорошо. 1 месяц, но никак не 3))
Зима холодная, а я люблю тепло, поэтому я не могу сказать, что очень люблю зиму. Но даже в зиме есть свои плюсы, но минусов больше)))
И так, в детстве у меня были санки и блинчик под попу, короче все гуд. Но потом я выросла из них, моя попа не помещалась на блинчик, и я еле влазила в санки, на этом мое снежное детство закончилось))))
Я люблю кушать снег))и сосульки облизывать и да, мне скоро 20 лет))
В снегу валяться люблю, ангелочков делать, кататься с …
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Debian avatar
Debian 6 Feb.

A mí siempre me sorprende que haya gente que diga que le gusta el invierno; aunque entiendo que no se pasen el día lamentándose de vivir en un país con clima frío y traten de llevarlo lo mejor posible.

Sasha_spicy avatar

Debian  you defently right, no regrets :)

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Is there anyone who likes winter? I understand that ther is no bad weather, but damn ... wear a whole amunition..tights, pants, a couple of sweaters, jackets, gloves, scarves, hats, shoes ... and even in all this clothes u feel cold on the street! ) Your nose is frost, cheeks burn!
We have here snow for the fifth day non-stopy... with the snow a little warmer, and there is no wind. This kind of winter I like..a little
But I've never been to a ski resort, I've never snowboarded. And I finalyl de…
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Debian avatar
Debian 19 Dec.

¡Oohhhh...! Parece que hace mucho frío.

El invierno, no es precisamente la estación que más me gusta, pues prefiero la primavera y el verano, nunca he entendido muy bien a la gente que le gusta ir a pasar frío esquiando; pero hay sitios donde en el invierno hace un tiempo tan bueno y fabuloso que hasta se puede ir a la playa todos los días. Un año estuve en uno de esos sitios y es...
...faltan palabras...

Debian avatar
Debian 19 Dec.

Son unas islas españolas frente a la costa Africana del Sahara "Las Islas Canarias" Imagino que en cualquier agencia de turismo y viajes puedes encontrar más información.,-16.9771523,504873m/data=!3m2!1e3!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0xc41aa86ef755363:0x10340f3be4bc8c0!8m2!3d28.2915637!4d-16.6291304?dcr=0

Debian avatar
Debian 19 Dec.

El enlace debe ir todo junto sin espacios a la barra de direcciones del navegador

RahmanSL avatar
RahmanSL 23 Dec.

polar bears look forward to winter :p

khalidamassi avatar


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Do you have any plans for this winter?

Do you like winter? I like it if it's real: when everything around is buried in the snow and u can hear how it's crunch under your foot, and there is red blush your cheeks. This is the kind of winter that I really like. And in the past year it has been a European winter, is't more like an endless autumn) My plans for this winter to get in two places. The first is Prague Christmas. Somehow I feel that this is a magical place. A second place I want to visit in the January holidays is Zakopane city…
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MarinaKostenok avatar

Хороший план ☺️ Я на эту зиму пока что не решила что делать, Прошлой зимой была в Карелии, каньон Рускеала, там очень красиво, хочу вернуться  ????

cerrah2014 avatar
cerrah2014 11 Nov.

ı mıss snow

RahmanSL avatar
RahmanSL 13 Nov.

Our "winter" here is strong wind, thunderstorm and heavy rain because it will be the North Easterly monsoon season (normally Oct to Feb).
In days of old (before mariners learned how to sail against the wind), merchant ships would sailed from Northern Asia (notably China, Japan, Korea, etc) down to Malacca laden with goods for Europe & England.
At Malacca, these mariners then wait for the reverse wind to take their ships to India or Sri Lanka where they wait for another wind change to take them to South Africa...and then wait for another wind change to take them North to Europe and England.

RahmanSL avatar
RahmanSL 13 Nov. my plans for this "winter" is to have a good strong umbrella ready and try to stay indoors as much as possible : )...

Mattie avatar
Mattie 15 Nov.

I am planning a trip to Mexico.

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