Блог Maxim3


Марафон ужастиков

Всем привет! Понедельник выдался у меня уж больно подозрительно хорошим, так что вечер понедельника я решил скрасить просмотром ужастиков ))) Вообще-то я не любитель данного жанра - предпочитаю триллеры и боевики, но в задании говорилось именно об ужастиках, так что стал спрашивать у друзей что ж такого посмотреть то
В итоге, вот они, три фильма:
Астрал 4
Не припоминаю, чтобы ясмотрел 1, 2, 3, ну да ладно, желания их посмотреть так и не возникло.
Кровь в жилах от этого фильма не стыла, но атмосф…
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Last one movie was about really scary silence! In the center of the plot is a deaf girl who decided to isolate herself from the society by moving to a small house in the forest. She gets a message with a photo on the social network, which leads her to untold horror. In the photo she is from the side view, in the current position - sitting in the chair. But the worst thing is that she received the message from herself. Someone is watching her and this someone stole her phone - the only thing that…
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Lights Out

This is second one movie I have been watching today.
The terrible fate of the girl-patient of the psychoneurological center, who died during the treatment, will become an echo in the future by one of the clients of the same clinic - Sophie and her two children. Diana, Sophie's friend, will pursue all family members in the dark, being in the form of a ghost, thus receiving energy to sustain her life. The daughter and son suffer from meeting with the ghost most of all, and the mother tries to just…
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The Conjuring

Hello, friends!
this day I decided to dedicate to watching movies.
3 horrors in a row. Ok, let me show you what was really scary!
I prefer horrors which are based on real events.
So, 'The Conjuring 2' catch my attention.
The plot of the film is impeccable from the beginning to the end.
But the final part is ugly ruined, because what is happening in it, you do not expect from a horror film, in which everything should not end exactly like this. Without spoilers, just a finale with a probability of…
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