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Финал Мисс Дукаскопи 2018, V1.2

Свой первый день в Женеве финалистки завершили ужином в изысканном ресторане Tiffany. Игристое вино, кулинарные шедевры из свежих сезонных продуктов и приятная атмосфера сделали вечер незабываемым. Благодарим ресторан Tiffany за гостеприимство и любезно предоставленный ужин стоимостью $1000.
Кто же из участниц завоюет симпатии и голоса зрителей? Кто выиграет шопинг на $200 000 и европейское образование?
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MariaSokol avatar
MariaSokol 28 Нояб.

Красоточки! Так все круто и шикарно))))

Diana29 avatar
Diana29 29 Нояб.

Какая вкуснятина) Девочки шикарны.

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Финал Мисс Дукаскопи 2018, V1.1

Ловите первый видеорепортаж из Женевы!
Десять финалисток Мисс Дукаскопи 2018 собрались в Женеве, чтобы побороться за главную корону конкурса и сказочные призы.
Для первого влога участницы записывали краткие видео-визитки в студии, преодолевая стеснительность перед камерой и смеясь над неловкими паузами. Смотрите сами и делитесь впечатлениями в комментариях!

А вы уже поддержали девчонок голосами?…
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tevra avatar
tevra 27 Янв.


tevra avatar
tevra 27 Янв.

Удачи всем

Goochy22 avatar
Goochy22 30 Янв.

Молодцы девочки так держать

arturarzaa145 avatar
arturarzaa145 6 Февр.

Удачи и дорогой дачи вам

Jane89 avatar
Jane89 8 Февр.

Скоро буду с вами в числе лучших!

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EURusd overview

With the expectations of the inflation figures we followed from the United States yesterday, the demand for us 2 and 10-year bond interest rate has had a positive impact on dollar assets. On the other hand, the Fed's policies will support the country's economy for another three years, while the FED's President, Jerome Powell, underscored that the economy is in a very good position. It was also striking that Powell stated that growth would slow down if trade wars increased, and that there could b…
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Vlad_55 avatar
Vlad_55 16 Июль


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EURusd overview

Yesterday, Italian Economy Minister Giovanni Tria, after a meeting with German Chancellor Angela Merkel, “we are behind our commitment to stay in the euro,” Euro assets recovered from today's European PMI figures after the UP-and-coming attacks continued. Looking at the data released, the euro zone service and composite PMI came above forecasts, and Manufacturing PMI resulted in parallel with expectations. In Germany, the service and composite PMI figures were better than predicted, while manufa…
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EURusd overview

On Friday, when we look at the headline inflation figures we followed from the euro zone, it was announced in parallel with expectations by 1.9 percent on annual basis and 0.5 percent on monthly basis. Food and energy items were neglected in the core CPI figures were realized in parallel with the projections. The euro, which had been selling hard on the European Central Bank's decision on Thursday, eased in part as inflation figures announced met forecasts. However, CFTC reports described in the…
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Brent oil

For some time, three main titles on pricing have come to the fore. U.S. oil production and price demands, sanctions against Iran and Venezuela, and the possibility of easing the OPEC-LED supply constraint. The eyes for Iran and Venezuela will be at the G7 Leaders ' Summit, which will begin today in Canada. Iran's OPEC administrator said today: no one at OPEC would accept US sanctions against two founding members (Iran and Venezuela), and warned that oil prices could reach 140 dollars if sanction…
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EURusd overview

Industrial production in Germany today, despite expectations of 0.3 percent, while the country's trade balance remained below expectations of -1.0 percent, 19 billion 400 million excess gave. Negative data from both Germany and France in the last 2 days has created sales pressure on euro assets despite positive statements by ECB officials on the bond buying program. On the other hand, the rally in the bond interest rates in Italy has supported the drawback seen today by the parity side. On the o…
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EURusd overview

Yesterday, while monitoring the complex data from Europe, President Giuseppe Conte drew attention to the positive statements of the Government formed by two parties known as populist discourses in Italy. On the other hand, the uncertainties in Spain's political arena are followed, while expectations for this month's meeting of the European Central Bank are very important in terms of pricing. The latest claim on this subject is that at the June meeting, the ECB may not announce the expiry date of…
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The USD fell against most g-10 currencies, excluding the JPY, as global markets continued to drop on Wednesday. In US markets, heavy winter conditions that hit the country's Northeast have an impact on the operations. Today's announcement of the ADP as 250K above expectations, ahead of the NFP to be announced, has reduced global losses. Try was the em currency that gained the most by 0.9% gain against the USD. The negative impact of the market has not been permanent since Halkbank Gmy Hakan Atti…
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EURUSD parity overview

EURUSD continues to test 1.2070 resistance. Yesterday, the rise in unemployment rates in the United States was influential in the weakening of the dollar. In the US, however, employment data will be announced today and the euro zone will be followed by the leading inflation data. Technically, 1.2070 corresponds to a critical resistance.
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