annatimone's Blog


US spy chief says foreign allies conduct espionage against US

…and they would know, since they`re bugging everyone`s phones.
Earlier, Obama had been saying he didn`t know about spying but the latest report in the LA Times directly disputes that:
"The White House and State Department signed off on surveillance targeting phone conversations of friendly foreign leaders, current and former U.S. intelligence officials said Monday, pushing back against assertions that President Obama and his aides were unaware of the high-level eavesdropping.
Professional staff …
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US Economic Outlook for the Near Future.

US economic growth will be modest in 4Q 2013 and show slight acceleration in 2014. Weak consumer spending will continue due to weak consumer income growth although housing recovery will support consumer confidence. Fiscal issues will remain a negative factor. Business fixed investment is vulnerable to economic uncertainty although corporate sector has healthy balance sheets.

Interest rates

I expect yields to rise gradually as US economy improves slowly. Recent weak employment report m…
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EUR/USD is near the end of the trend?

As we look back on the week just gone, it has a very familiar pattern to it, the view is of yet another good week for the Euro, and another disappointing week for the dollar. We have all here at ForexLive, been banging on about how you just can`t argue with this now established trend, and the fact that recent price history is such a huge factor in influencing short term opinion, and that remains true.
The accelerated strengthening of the euro against sterling last week (in the context of the und…
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Fed: Dudley speaks on regulation

Nothing on monetary policy or the outlook from the NY Fed President:
  • Need to do more to curb the odds of bank failures
  • Resolution plan not enough to solve too big to fail
The Fed can’t solve too-big-to-fail and Washington can’t solve anything.
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Many US economic data points still unscheduled

The key inflation reports have also been rescheduled but a number of data points are still without a time. The main one is retail sales but factory orders, trade balance industrial production, housing starts and the CFTC positioning data still have no set time.
I’ll keep an eye out for any changes but for now, existing home sales are the only thing on the US calendar for Monday.
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mag avatar
mag 18 Oct.

Thanks Anna, good week end.

annatimone avatar
annatimone 18 Oct.

Thank you...:) You too!

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The US $, and the US economy after the shut down

The fact that the US government has been forced in to this closure by a small group of Republicans is extraordinary when looked at from outside. I am in no position to say who is right and who is wrong in this debate, but one would have hoped that somehow, the national interest would have overcome political posturing before committing to this action. Perhaps the President was too forceful in his speech before the vote, in seemingly leaving no room for debate – and perhaps that hardened the attit…
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What to expect in the second quarter?

In the first quarter’s revised U.S. gross domestic product (GDP) numbers, we found consumer spending in the U.S. economy was slow, dragging U.S. economic growth lower. Going forward, I can’t help but to expect more of the same. We are already getting warnings from major financial institutions that U.S. GDP growth in the second quarter will be dismal. The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc expects the U.S. economy to grow at only 0.8% in the second quarter. The Royal Bank of Scotland Group and Barclays …
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Nadin5794 avatar
Nadin5794 30 July

Все говорят о том ,что доллар более стабилен в среднесрочной перспективе,я отношусь к этому скептически,цифры аналитики только верхушка айсберга.Социальный и политический климат в Европе несколько спокойней будет всегда ,так как союзное государство стремится к выработке компромисса не прибегая к прямой конфронтации населением с руководством(госаппаратом),боюсь что американцы уже не пойдут на компромиссы после ипотечного кризиса,реформ министерства обороны и т.д...

annatimone avatar
annatimone 30 July

Nadia, I think you are right. Dollar in a short term will be stable against Euro and major four (Euro, Swiss, Sterling and Japanese Yen). Since, US economy was expanding over the last year and a half, and Europe being stagnated, any surprising slowdown in the US (like housing) could bring more slowdown in Europe, which in return will create a drop in Euro and Sterling.

Nadin5794 avatar
Nadin5794 30 July

sooner or later the inflated digits of statistics should be given to real indexes, Europe in this sense is more pragmatic...

annatimone avatar

I agree. I often suspect that economic data/reports in the United States are fixed and not real. Generally, news in the United States is bias. If you want to get a real story, look in European media.

Nadin5794 avatar

today I am once again convinced that both sides of this confrontation are very unstable and it is possible to wait for anything...

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