annatimone's Blog


Fitch warns US to behave in future

On the 15th October Fitch put the US on rating watch over the shutdown/budget debacle but has today issued a strong warning that the US needs to buck its ideas up. A repeat of the debt ceiling crisis would not be a good signal to keep the triple A rating and they must take more steps to reduce the deficit and debt burden, they said.
Fitch will decide on the US rating in March 2014.
"Nothing is pre-determined, but that wouldn’t be a good signal if we have that kind of outcome again,” Said Fitch …
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mag avatar
mag 4 Nov.

save the date.

Serguei avatar
Serguei 3 Dec.

It seems the credit rating agencies have too much to say these days. It's up to the fixed-income fund managers to decide on the creditworthiness of institutions or governments. A credit rating agency does a great job of influencing the market's perception, not the opinion. Basically, what I am trying to say, is that as with other types of trading, you need to align your positioning with that of the market at large. Being too smart may leave one exposed to unpredictable outbursts of the emotional crowd that the traders are. You have no option but to follow the pack leaders or protagonists.

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US Economic Outlook for the Near Future.

US economic growth will be modest in 4Q 2013 and show slight acceleration in 2014. Weak consumer spending will continue due to weak consumer income growth although housing recovery will support consumer confidence. Fiscal issues will remain a negative factor. Business fixed investment is vulnerable to economic uncertainty although corporate sector has healthy balance sheets.

Interest rates

I expect yields to rise gradually as US economy improves slowly. Recent weak employment report m…
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Will Doctor Yellen prescribe a dose of inflation for the

The noises being made about a possible increases to QE are rising. A New YorkTimes story over the weekend adds further evidence that some are calling for more.
They note that the topic of discussion at the Fed may start to focus on inflation and whether more QE should be done to boost inflation up, to give the economy the boost it’s lacking.Harvard professor Kenneth Rogoff says that inflation needs to be embraced and that the Fed is being too meek. He wants inflation pushed up to 6% for a few ye…
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sonjatrader avatar

Peter Schiff comes to the easy conclusion than the new leader at FederalReserve is just as incapable as her predecessors of recognizing a dangerous asset bubble .Worse yet, a a diehard believer in the power of expansive monetary policy,Miss yellen would be much less likely to attack an asset bubble even if she were ever to recognize one before it burst

mimuspolyglottos avatar

It is just like bobsleigh sport. FED need steeper and steeper track to go down at the qualifying time forgeting to drive it. They think inertion and gravitation will do the job. And someone will see a crash of their bob close to VIP seats.

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Some Cool Photos!

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Tattoos: Art or Disaster?

Tattoos: Art or Disaster? What do you think?
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sankit avatar
sankit 20 Oct.

Amazing !!

mag avatar
mag 20 Oct.

Absolut disaster. With the greatest respect for all

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Washington is a wound for markets that will not heal

It’s beginning to feel a little like that great film, Groundhog Day, starring Bill Murray and Andie MacDowell
But the current Fiscal Groundhog day is no comedy. According to the great Karl Marx, who said "History repeats itself, first as tragedy, second as farce", it is more likely to be a farce.
Six years ago America blew up the world’s financial system thanks to its subprime mortgage mess. And now America is threatening the world’s financial system all over again. The budget and debt
ceiling d
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mag avatar
mag 19 Oct.

You have gone through. Lesson master of fundamental reasoning. Congratulations. Thank you po share this thought

sonjatrader avatar

As Marx said
"No one fights the liberty; to combat the freedom of others. Freedom has existed always, but sometimes as a privilege to some, other times as a right of all."
"Political power is merely the organized power of a class to oppress another."
Well done, you are a really great thinker. Thanks for share to all. :)

mimuspolyglottos avatar

Yeah, people so sure,so sure. Keynesianism starting to turn into Marxism? When I watched M. Moore's SICKO, I asked few Q my yankee friend about the Medc/Medaid in USA and I saw so much fire-breathing, heard so much ph......ks, and made a conclusion to myself that Sicko is simply an ad of medsystem of "Yankeestan". :)))

jezz avatar
jezz 24 Oct.

I read it a while ago, and I have no clue why it isn't in my likelikelike folder :)

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Why the US dollar is sinking today

The market was reluctant to price in the lack of a taper, until now.
Over the course of the fiscal impasse it became clear the Fed wouldn’t taper in October and probably not December. The market shifted to the January FOMC as a date but with the new government shutdown deadline at January 15, even that’s in question. Some prominent market watchers are even talking about June 2014 for the first taper.
None of this is a surprise but the FX market was unable to sell the dollar until now. Before, th…
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stane2405 avatar
stane2405 17 Oct.

hehe, 2 complicated 4 me

mag avatar
mag 17 Oct.


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The US deal, and concerns by holders of its debt

So, at last we have a deal of sorts. In truth, it doesn’t solve any issues, it merely reflects huge pressure to free up government spending, and short term, ensure that America pays its external obligations to its creditors. This sad chapter is obviously not at an end, and we face the spectre of more government by crisis over the course of the next few months. Bad as this is, short term, the long term damage done to US credibility and standing in the world is much more worrying.
At the moment, t…
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mag avatar
mag 17 Oct.

Is true

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We have a deal. What is next?

USD/JPY is brushing up against 99.00 and the S&P 500 is at the highs of the day, up 1.3%.The government is funded through January 15 and the debt limit raised until February 7. That’s a short timeline but it gives markets a chance to focus on something else for a month or two.Candidates:
  • The health of the economy as data releases resume
  • The potential for a taper
  • Holiday shopping season
  • Corporate earnings
  • Emerging markets
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How worried is main street of the US mess?

A PEW survey out the yesterday shows that 57% (up from 48% of respondents) are very concerned over the economic impact of the shutdown and 51% believe that raising the debt ceiling by tomorrow is “absolutely essential”. 36% think there’s no problem with going passed the deadline.
The shift of blame has seen the Republicans come ut on top with 46% laying the blame at their door, up from 38% prior. Obama is only 37% at fault up from 30%.
As far as deadline goes 52% believe the ceiling issue will b…
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