Fioralba's Blog


7 June

Draghi May Look Backward to Chart ECB Communication on Future
Mario Draghi may look to the European Central Bank’s past communication to find the right balance for the future.
The ECB is unlikely to announce changes to its policy or its forward guidance at its June 8 policy meeting in Tallinn, and the only step toward normalization may come in the form of an acknowledgment of the euro area’s brightening economic prospects.
But there’s a problem. Even as the economy improves, inflation shows l…
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6 June

The Cost of Renting a London Home Is Falling Fast
The cost of renting a home in the U.K. capital fell the most in eight years in May as a glut of rental properties came onto the market and affordability issues led Londoners to seek cheaper accommodation.
The average monthly rent paid in May for new lettings in Greater London was 1,502 pounds ($1,940), a 3 percent decline from a year earlier, HomeLet, the U.K.’s largest reference-checking and rentals insurance company, said in a statement on Tu…
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5 June

Oil Rebounds After Saudi-Led Alliance Cuts Qatar Ties Over Iran
Oil rebounded after a Saudi-led alliance cut diplomatic ties with Qatar and moved to close off access to the Gulf country, raising tensions in the world’s biggest oil-producing region.
Futures rose as much as 1.6 percent in New York, paring the biggest weekly loss in a month. Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, the United Arab Emirates and Egypt said they will suspend air and sea travel to and from Qatar, escalating a crisis that started over …
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4 June

SpaceX Ferries Supplies to Space Station With Reused Capsule
Elon Musk’s Space Exploration Technologies Corp. took another step in the push to drive down flight costs, launching a resupply mission to the International Space Station using a pre-flown capsule.
The Dragon capsule, which is carrying almost 6,000 pounds (2,720 kilograms) of supplies and payloads to the orbiting lab, was successfully launched at 5:07 p.m. Saturday from NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida. The Dragon spacecraft, p…
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3 June

Macron Says France, India to Work Together on Climate Change
The leaders of France and India pledged to work together to cut carbon emissions, re-affirming their commitments to the Paris accord following President Donald Trump’s decision to withdraw the U.S. from the landmark climate pact.
“In the fight for our planet, we plan to work side-by-side,” French President Emmanuel Macron said on Saturday after a meeting in Paris with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
While neither leader mentioned …
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2 June

OPEC Crude Production Rises Led by Countries Exempt From Cuts
OPEC crude production rose in May led by gains from Libya and Nigeria, countries that are exempt from the deal to cut output in a bid to revive oil prices.
The Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries’ output in May jumped 315,000 barrels a day from a month earlier to 32.21 million, oil companies and ship-tracking data. Libya’s output soared 210,000 barrels a day to 760,000 while Nigeria’s gained 100,000 to 1.7 million after fi…
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1 June

The Country Adopting Electric Vehicles Faster Than Anywhere Else
Since the 14th century, Akershus Fortress has protected Oslo from raids by bloodthirsty Swedes. Now a Cold War bomb shelter in its basement is being repurposed to help save the Norwegian capital from more insidious foes: pollution and global warming. Starting this month, electric car owners will be able to drive down a narrow ramp between rough-hewn rock walls dripping with condensation and plug in at one of 86 charging stations—f…
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17 May

Deutsche Bank's Chairman Builds a Private Power Haus in Munich
Even in the historic center of Munich, the Palais Preysing stands out: Sitting just opposite the Bavarian royal palace, the 289-year-old baroque confection practically drips with ornate stucco decorations. Beyond its grand entrance, a red carpet leads up a sweeping staircase resting on the shoulders of intricately carved caryatids. But like many of its less glamorous neighbors, the building has been divided into suites for doctors, d…
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16 May

EasyJet Places $3.8 Billion Plane Bet After Record Winter Loss
EasyJet Plc ordered Airbus SE aircraft with a list price of $3.8 billion, betting that a fare slide is set to reverse after pushing the U.K. airline to record winter losses.
Europe’s second-biggest discount carrier converted purchase options for 30 A321neos, marking its first deal for the biggest version of Airbus’s upgraded narrow-body model, with deliveries due to start next year, it said.
EasyJet is buying new planes after proj…
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15 May

The City of London After Brexit Isn't Just About Jobs
Britain's new relationship with the European Union is still a long way from being settled, but Brexit has started a process that is bound to hurt the City of London. Earlier this month, the European Commission launched a review of the rules governing one of the City's lucrative lines of business -- the clearing of derivatives denominated in euros.
The U.K. wants to keep it in London. The European Central Bank was skeptical about that even b…
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