khalidamassi's Blog


Every one should go to gym

It is good idea that you can practice sports in any place, in home, in street and sometimes in your work but going to gym is the best idea, why ?
  • because you will play sports in regular time not depend on your activity or your emotions or your free time, when you book a gym, you will give your self enough time to go and play sports.
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Enjoy sleeping in weekends

As I told before, when you have wife and children, it is very difficult to take 8-9 hour per day, as they sometimes need care during night, or you can be disturbed by children noise, anyway, weekend is the best day to give your body its need from sleeping.

another point, it is very great to use weekend to drink water regularly as you outside work, you can drink more water and you can drink big cup of water before meal in order to reduce meal size and all this can be done easily in your weekend,…
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Summer time and less sleeping

Last Friday summer time began and it means for me less sleeping as night time reduced by one hour, it is so difficult to achieve 8-9 hour goal but should try.
More hot temperature came to Mediterranean and this encourage most here to drink more water to compensate lost water during work, for more, in summer I eat less and drink more in opposite of winter which I drink less and eat more, so it is best time to drink more water.
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