wind87's Blog


Autumn style inspiration

Всем Здравствуйте!!!
Обожаю следить за модными тенденциями. Хочу поделится с вами своими любимыми осенними образами. Осень - всегда заполняется бесконечными идеями наряда и раскладывать возможности для модной одежды, чтобы развлекаться.
1 - Чёрная водолазка, высокоотказный деним, нейтральное пальто и идеальный повседневный бути. 2 - Твои белые штаны не должны оставаться с остальными летними костюмами. Используйте их для падения, стилив их черной футболкой и узором блеизера.
3 - Для тех, кт…
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Street style look

Welcome to everyone.
The clothes of fashionable ladies walking in the streets are obviously bright and colorful. Street Fashion - This is a popular dress style and appearance in the street Street Fashion is a big contributor to youth ... Historians named Japan as the street fashion development country.
Tbilisi street fashion promotes new trends in the foot, and Georgian girls will fall on this fall as well as Paris and Milan fashion houses.)))))
However, the most authoritative and well-known
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Perfect Man: where are you?

Every woman is looking for the guy who will make her feel like a princess. This guy has manners, intelligence, a sense of humor, and a kind heart. He's the one to hold her when she's upset and make her laugh 'til she cries. You can be this guy! Make the most of your romantic potential by becoming the epitome of manly perfection.
Yes, women are miraculous fantasies. Most women live in illusions, are always in search of the ideal man and find it to be the main purpose of life, while you may be id…
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earspower avatar

It is really so hard to find Mr/Ms perfect.

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