annatimone's Blog


Get richer, die younger!

We all live longer when times are good, right?
Not so, according to a new study which says that in developed countries, the elderly have a higher mortality rate when the economy goes into higher gear.
Studies show that in the long term, economic prosperity is credited with lower mortality rates across all age groups -- largely due to a drop in old-age mortality.
But the picture changes when you look at short-term economic fluctuations, according to the study which appears in the Journal of Epide…
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jezz avatar
jezz 9 Oct.

Yes, in years of prosperity one is more likely to die by being hit by a car, rather than from a stroke. Hmmmm, statistic is like a bikini, shows everything and hides everything :)

mag avatar
mag 9 Oct.

The stress is called silent death, it is associated with coronary artery disease than with an evil habit d flife (fast food, tobacco, alcholol and lack of exercise) causes a high mortality.
This is called "quality of life" and in industrialized countries is increasingly worse.

sonjatrader avatar

It is alarming how many people I know die young, maybe for lack of time to take care or pollution, for bad feeding,or not physical exercise, but mostly I think it is the rhythm of life... so fast

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Top 5 Tips for Becoming a Successful Entrepreneur

I came across tips given by a billionaire and New York City Mayor, Michael Bloomberg, for becoming a successful entrepreneur. I thought I would share them with you whether you own a business, climbing a corporate ladder or trying to find your path in life. Michael Bloomberg shares his own experience: 1. Take risks. Life is too short to spend your time avoiding failure. In 1981, at the age of 39, I was fired from the only full-time job I'd ever had - a job I loved. But I never let myself lo…
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mag 20 Aug.


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