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Last and First day!

So, there was the last day of March!
And before April is start, lets think what we gain from this past month?

1.What we learned?
2.What experience we had?
3.What good moments happened with us and what we thankful for?
4. What we wish to change in better way?

And finally 5. for the April, What we want to realise in this new month, our plans?
if you want you can answer while writing on a paper or in mind, or here in comments below, i will be glad if you share it with me
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Convallium avatar


JungaBunga avatar

Ur life is like a succes plan :) What u r going to do this month?

aAndriusik avatar

A great thing to think about)

Alisabremen avatar

i like resolution lists, ) but newer do them

bharatholsa avatar


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The 2014 Resolution Task Results

Dear all, The 2014 Resolution Task is over now!
I should say each response was eminent and unique in its own way!
Thanks everyone for sharing
Let me announce the three lucky winners of iPhone 5s!
1. New Year's Resolution of Teodora
2. Dreaming Big and Taking Life in Small Bites with jezz
3. Dreams=Resolutions of Atashi_Tada
Congratulations! It feels like we all have a good start, though Get ready for new tasks! It will be fun! xxx
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Teodora avatar
Teodora 22 Gen

Thank you!!! :))) and girls, congrats! Great stories! :)

nastiatru avatar

You all have deserved it! good job!)

kolokol avatar
kolokol 23 Gen

не могу с вами согласиться полностью

Nick_T avatar
Nick_T 23 Gen

Колокол, вы не изменяете себе :)

Nick_T avatar
Nick_T 23 Gen

Колокол, я никак не могу прореагировать на весь ваш поток разума и позитивных сообщений, которые вы льете мне в приват. Мы меня заблокировали. %)

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My Resolution 2014 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I want that 2014 will be year, when all my dreams come true ! ! ! I hope that everything which I plan - happened!
My resolution for 2014 or My New Year Greetings of achievements.
The main aim is to become Miss Dukasсopy2014 !I want it by the way!
I want to travel a lot : to Tibet , Switzerland, he island of Bora-Bora and USA! I want to feel relaxation and movement completely!

I m plan to work more hardly and to get enough oney for me and my family! Also I need to have pleasure from my job! The …
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Olga18375 avatar

О, да!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)))

Nick_T avatar
Nick_T 20 Gen

А, так это у вас целая банда уже. )

Mariia avatar
Mariia 20 Gen

Почему сразу банда? :) Подключаем хороших людей в хорошее дело)))Да и с друзьями веселее)))

Andre1 avatar
Andre1 21 Gen

ja toze nadejusj, 4to u vas vse sbudetsa...)))

Olga18375 avatar


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Goodmorrrrrning , it is a beautiful Monday Morning here in my country , the sun is shining and i feel very optimistic for today ...
Ok my resolution is ....well , i dont like to plan, life changes every sec, last year i didnt planned to be in a Miss Dukascopy , it just happend so my resolution for 2014 will be : like keep walking and make good choices for a better life , is very simple ....
so for a humor i will post some pictures that i found ...
Have a nice day accomplishing your resolution o…
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seediee avatar
seediee 20 Gen

I know it's humorous your post, but we must be the change we want to see in the world. We must make a better tomorrow starting today. Otherwise we stay where we were... Good luck and stay positive! :)

jezz avatar
jezz 20 Gen

Our horoscopes are quite different today, you picked up the good stuff... damn, I woke up late. Ok, today I will let you have it, but tomorrow... yes, keep walking :-D

Erialda avatar
Erialda 20 Gen

Thanks girls those pics are just for fun i knew you will understand the humor , i just let everything to the destiny , i dont want to wake up every morning with a checklist in my head,and in the end of the year to be dissapointed for not accomplish them , i just give the time , to the time, to give me the perfect time for achiving my dreams ;)

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1. Stop lying myself about new year changes иметь изменения налицо в голове, а не на лице;
2. More actions, less blabla in a gym;
3. Help others to help myself;
4. Think sharper and avoid consequences;
5. Read books even in a good weather;
6. Count better than draw;
7. Breath fresh freedom;
8. Run a marathon в ногу со временем;
9. Be polite to the doors;
10. Ride on giraffe in Genev
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jezz avatar
jezz 19 Gen

I'm not sure of that giraffe being real... but ok, go go go!

AnaTl avatar
AnaTl 20 Gen

Jezz, it 100%real=) U should join me to the giraffe riders team!

Omela avatar
Omela 15 Mag

Хорошие советы)

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New Year resolutions

We all would like New Year will be better and nicer, we all set targets or resolutions to our self , but sometimes during the year we haven't enough time or simply forget its. Maybe this task will help us to remember what we set in the beginning of a year , and help to reach everything we decided to.
So, my resolutions for 2014 are:
1. Take more care of my health - As in March I will have an operation (surgery). I'm a little afraid of it but I have no other way, I need to do it, and I'm a littl…
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sonjatrader avatar

My favorite is 9 no limits.....Good luck Ilionalt.xoxo

ImranMughal99 avatar

Good luck Ilionalt

xtrader360 avatar


Atashi_Tada avatar

Nice video, Ilona! Are you doing all these things already?

ilonalt avatar
ilonalt 20 Gen

ty, Atashi, I'm trying, 3 and 4 I do every day, 5 - i can't do it now, because of operation i will have, all the others are continuous, day after day I'm getting more experience to reach its.

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Resolution 2014

Be yourself not matter what they say...))
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ilonalt avatar
ilonalt 18 Gen

Это одно из моих любимых правил - Be yoursel no matter what they say! .....and don't lie to yourself!

jezz avatar
jezz 18 Gen

Change tag, your post is not listed in responses (T is stead of S). Nice choice

Nadin5794 avatar

Thnx dear!)

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My New Year 2014 Resolutions!

So, these are my resolutions for 2014. Before I start I want to explain why I went for this type of presentation.
In my understanding NY resolutions are first of all my dreams. I used to dream a LOT every day before I go to sleep, just lying in bed and thinking about my dreams. What is dream for child – it’s plan for adult!
So dream = plan,
and plan = goals,
goals = targets
targets = resolutions

Following this long logic chain I have decided to go for child way o…
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Atashi_Tada avatar

haha Edita I think my artwork is similar what your children do, correct? :))
I though about Croatia, I might need your detailed advice then, 'cause I couldn't understand which part of Croatia is better to go - can't find the right information :(
London - waiting for you!!! :D

seediee avatar
seediee 16 Gen

lol, your artwork are pretty cool and very creative. :))) Of course I will inform you where to travel in Croatia, dependes what you like - party, fun, romance, food, nature... I'm here, so when you need this info just ask. I'll be happy to help you. Cheers! :D

Atashi_Tada avatar

deal, Edita! I might contact you on this when it comes closer to May-June :) thanks!!!

Teodora avatar
Teodora 17 Gen

Great, creative! :)

Atashi_Tada avatar

thank you Teodora!

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New Year's Resolution

This is how I am planing to spend 2014. I hope you'll find this video very interesting. Wish you all the best!
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Teodora avatar
Teodora 22 Gen

Hvala Aleksandre! :)

Nick_T avatar
Nick_T 23 Gen

That's a winning work :)

solncez avatar
solncez 1 Lug

Feeling good :)

Teodora avatar
Teodora 1 Lug

Thanks! :)

VictoriaVika avatar

Absolutely amazing work!!!! Well done, bravo, Teodora !!!

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Мои планы на 2014 год

Мои планы на ближайший год - это отсутствие каких - либо планов!
Я предпочитаю ничего не планировать. Я оставляю
за собой лишь желания...... Я отдаю свою жизнь потоку безсознательных движений и случайностей, я реагирую на притяжение и выхожу за рамки разума. В моей жизни всегда есть место случаю, который ведет меня по этой суровой жизни!
Одно из моих желаний на сегодня - это вернуться в ЛЕТО. ..В Забытое ЛЕТО... Потому что уже безумно хочется весны и теплого ветра.....
Если я чего- то хочу -это
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kolokol avatar
kolokol 16 Gen

MISTER DUKOSCOPY 2014....its goog idea!

kolokol avatar
kolokol 16 Gen

If you like this man You may present to him! :)))

kolokol avatar
kolokol 17 Gen

Спасибо,друзьям трейдерам!

Bodayu avatar
Bodayu 17 Gen


kolokol avatar
kolokol 17 Gen

Дариша, спасибо!

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