Andrea_Sfiligoi's Blog


Who wants to date me?

We are in 2015 so the traditional roles of what a man and a woman should do can be turned upside down. Chasing women is fun but it can also be stressing. So is there any woman who wants to chase me instead? I promise I am a gentleman, I can give good conversation, and I have lots of interests. You can understand a bit about me by reading my few posts on this blog.
Sooooo.... Anyone biting? ;-)
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Andrea_Sfiligoi avatar

@VictoriaVika  should I read that as an invitation? I assumed i would get 0 likes on this post ;-)

Andrea_Sfiligoi avatar

Natalia_Kisenko  thank you for liking this. It's unexpected.

VictoriaVika avatar

Andrea_Sfiligoi your post is unusual and not common.
And I much respect all unusual things and people :)

Andrea_Sfiligoi avatar

VictoriaVika  thanks, I take pride in being the weird guy of the bunch :-)

Andrea_Sfiligoi avatar

VictoriaVika  so what time should I come to pick you up for dinner? ;-)

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My Ideal woman

Everybody dreams of a perfect match for himself or herself in life. So today, when a lady here on the chat asked me what I was looking for in a woman, I thought of writing it down. Next time someone asks -- she can read this blog post.
Well, the thing is, I am a complicated person, so it takes some exceptional woman to take on me. And so, no matter how self-centered this will sound, this post will again be about me.

I am ambivalent on the idea of marriage -- I could get married, or I could not,…
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Przetłumacz na Angielski Pokaż oryginał
CharmingRimma avatar

very nice description

CharmingRimma avatar

can I apply CV? :)

Andrea_Sfiligoi avatar

It's a tough job to put up with me :-)

Julia_Zhulinskaya avatar

I think its probably me :) ur ideal woman )))

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