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Отсортировано по тагам:  Professional Trader


Hello Traders!This article is a sincere appeal from team of Powerful Traders to beginners in trading!
Please, rremember that, the real trading is not an easy deal. Do not believe in many advertisments, where some brokers or dealers offer you to teach (unpaid) for trading in short time, like a pro! It's a Lie! Why? Because the real trading is a serious business and it shall be treated as endless analysis, huge of mistakes, losses, experience & comparison! All social media with the bright advert'…
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Bill Wolfe's waves combined with Elliotte Wave theory.

Hello Traders!
We would like to present, the Bill Wolfe's wave theory in actual charts on the real time. Please, use the wolfe wave only as an adittional method, but do not trade just only by it! For example you should combine Wolfe theory with the Elliotte waves & classic Volume analysis.
«« «« «« «« «« Hold Like! »» »» »» »» »»
(If you have questions, comments, write, reply thoroughly!)
Sincerely yours, Traders Kazakhstan team "Powerful Traders"
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Confidential from the Team "Powerful Traders"

Hello Traders!
"Every Elliott's wave, can predict the appearance of any volume! At the same time, the definite volume is equal to the range of a particular wave" - confidential from the Team "Powerful Traders".
«« «« «« «« «« Hold Like! »» »» »» »» »»
(If you have questions, comments, write, reply thoroughly!)
Best regards, Traders Kazakhstan team "Powerful Traders"
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MOST IMPORTANT GOLDEN RULE! - "If there is the slightest doubt, stay out of the market!"
«« «« «« «« «« Hold Like! ???? »» »» »» »» »»
(If you have questions, comments, write, reply thoroughly!)
Sincerely yours, Traders Kazakhstan team "Powerful Traders"
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verindur avatar
verindur 4 Янв.

I agree to the GOLDEN Rule. ) But all the confusion is the temptation to jump in as the early bird to maximise gains or in the hope of it even if the trade goes wrong. Another reason you get sucked into your favorite pair (Currency). And hence the sideways movement cracks you mentally. And you don't have the confidence to look into other opportunities offered by other Currency pairs. My personal problem are the Mathematical Calculations, probabilities going in my head. Finally I have the Solution but why its taking time. I am fighting my own personality problems. Now only time will tell.


Hello! Thnx for honest answer! ) I also will be honest and sincere to you! Don't  be offended.  I sure that, your personal problems hide neither in Math nor in some temptations, but of lack of knowledge and experience. This rule has another meaning. First of all, for Profi there is no place for confusion, temptation or some probabilities, for undestanding. The main idea of this Golden Rule is the way, where all the metods of different analysis converge together in one correct point of view to the right direction of priceaction. Best regards, Tomiris Tengri.

verindur avatar
verindur 4 Янв.

That's why I have taken up Automation to assist me for direction : )

Merta7 avatar
Merta7 4 Янв.

Trading is not a casino game, but a real investment. It is subject to specific rules, and it comes from a strategy that must be kept stable, As long as to do, as much as this strategy is correct from the beginning. And we can not talk about strategies without basic elements. And it is precisely these basic elements that you try to put within our reach.
Your blog opens my eyes on hidden parts of the "trading" Iceberg.
Thank you.


Thnx! Trying to do all the best,  Dear Friends! All for you! Team of Traders "Powerful Traders".

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Типичные нетипичности))

Не смотря на то, что уже давно профессии не делят на мужские и женские,
не смотря на мнимое равенство полов, существуют моменты, которые обескураживают)
все же иногда испытываешь удивление, узнав, что какая-либо хрупкая и тонкая с виду девушка орудует экскаватором,
или встретив дородного мужчину в два метра ростом и сто пятьдесят килограмм весом узнаешь,
что он воспитатель ясельной группы детского сада))
хотя в должностных обязанностях любых профессий (по крайней мере в большинстве) нет описания…
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bohdan94 avatar
bohdan94 12 Янв.

внешний вид не всегда отражение внутреннего мира))

Starsmil avatar
Starsmil 12 Янв.

фигово, т.к. он в постоянном стрессе от рыночной лихорадки )

Antigor avatar
Antigor 13 Янв.

во всем есть свои исключения))

TradeTrading avatar
TradeTrading 21 Янв.

there are two categories of traders; the retail trader is usually a stressed guy, spending some extra hour at night on the markets after his job.... he can look as an ordinary person... and then there is the professional trader, who may be private or institutional... and he usually looks a little extravagant or strange.. or often changes the way to be in relation to its mood or his environment..

pashok888 avatar
pashok888 25 Янв.

мне нравится твой стиль написания

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Tony Saliba (By Jack Schwager - New Market Wizards)

Tony Saliba -- Tony Saliba came to the floor of the Chicago Board Options Exchange in 1978. After a half-year of clerking, Saliba was ready to try it on his own. The impressive aspect of Saliba's trading achievements is not the few spectacular gains he has registered in his career. Rather, it is that these gains have been achieved by using a trading approach exemplified by incredible risk control. In fact, at one point, Saliba managed to string together seventy consecutive months of profits exce…
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Nadin5794 avatar
Nadin5794 6 Июль

yes, the most important self-checking and absolutely cold mind, is desirable with pessimistic preparations of hedging and stop

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Randy McKay (By Jack Schwager - New Market Wizards)

Randy McKay -- There are few futures traders who have gone from a starting account of several thousand dollars to double-digit million-dollar gains. Those who have kept their winnings are even fewer. The start of McKay's trading career coincided with the birth of currency futures trading. Over his entire trading career, McKay has been profitable for his own account in eighteen out of twenty years. A conservative estimate would place his cumulative earnings in the tens of millions. New Market Wiz…
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Nadin5794 avatar
Nadin5794 6 Июль

"When you're trading well, you have a better mental attitude. When you're trading poorly, you start wishing and hoping. Instead of getting into trades you think will work, you end up getting into trades you hope will work."-reason of my first losses

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Ed Seykota (by Jack Schwager - New Market Wizards)

Ed Seykota -- Ed Seykota's achievements must certainly rank him as one of the best traders of our time. In the early 1970s, Seykota was hired by a major brokerage firm. He conceived and developed the first commercial computerized trading system for managing clients' money in the futures markets. In the ensuing years, Seykota applied his systematized approach to trading a handful of accounts and his own money. During that period, the accounts Seykota managed have witnessed an absolutely astoundin…
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Nadin5794 avatar
Nadin5794 6 Июль

"As I keep studying the markets, I sometimes find a new rule which breaks and then replaces a previous rule. Sometimes I get to a personal breakpoint. "..

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