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Hello community,
It is the next day after the inauguration of the president of USA - Trump and the world didn't stop turning.
I suppose that the effect on the forex is the opposite of the wining for president by Trump. Which means that the USD will depreciate and possibly EUR/USD will return to levels before the final election results. Next week there will be two FOMC events and I expect some volatility. The price can test 1.055 maybe with a spike before returning to preelection times.
Good luck…
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Trump or Hillary ? ?

If you were us citizens what would be your vote ?
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Elens94 avatar
Elens94 9 Nov

hheheh! :D

FXRabbit avatar
FXRabbit 10 Nov

Trump got the support of neo-nazis and those groups did an aggressive campaign for him and brought all the white votes from the rural areas for Trump. But as mentioned by WallStreetBlog, I don't favour Hillary over Trump either. They are both evils but on the long run, Hillary would have done much much more for the females in the USA and across the globe. As for Russia, Trump is the best and will make many business deals and allow Russia to regain its world power that it had during the Stalin era. On the contrary, Hillary would have escalated the tension between Nato and Russia to the highest

FXRabbit avatar
FXRabbit 10 Nov

level that it got to during the Soviet occupation time of Afghanistan. Now let's see how does Trump do during the next 4 years. On average, the US presidents are garbage compared to the public service that the leaders of other first world countries deliver to their nations and citizens.

hrustiashka avatar

Illya . ты прав!

Illya avatar
Illya 11 Nov

hrustiashka Ты нашла мой комментарий)) Как приятно)

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The idea of this blogpost i had in my mind for days, should i post it or not...?During a debate i saw that different persons had different opinions for different countries.We are here from all over the world, and each of our country has different politics, economy,laws, etc and we always prejudice each other ...Some of you lives in peace with a health economy, some of you lives in country that has war right now...All our countries has problems like , bad politics, corrupted politicians,unemploym…
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alltrade avatar
alltrade 26 Ago

Actually, what you & many people seem to believe is utopia - to think that people will "elect" some people to position of power to rob & rule others & they won't misuse it? Seriously? Where in the world do you see a govt (democratic or of any other form) that's not full of corrupt individuals, it's precisely because power attracts power-hungry people, the more power the govt has the more power-hungry people you'll have in it, experiments in communism aptly exhibit that.

alltrade avatar
alltrade 26 Ago

And no pedophiles, rapes, theft??? lol That's because communist govts are known to fudge their records, there's no freedom of press either because having such things come out in the press would reflect badly on the ruling govt so communist govts try to paint a rosy picture of how everything is so hunky-dory so that the people would think they are doing such a good job & keep supporting them.

alltrade avatar
alltrade 26 Ago

I don't know about the cleanest city thing but you know, I'm much of a fitness-freak, I watch what I eat & I exercise because I believe in being healthy & I'd wish everybody was like that. Now, let's say I become the ruler & make laws about what people can eat & how much they can eat, it's possible that I may make my country "healthiest country in the world" but certainly not the freest, they are basically being enslaved by me & I wouldn't want to do that.
Why? Because believing in equality means everybody having same rights so I can't tell others how to live their life & they can't tell me.

alltrade avatar
alltrade 26 Ago

Believing in equality means letting go of the desire to control others, SO LONG AS they don't impinge on your equal right to life & property.
It means if I think someone else robbing me is a bad thing then I mustn't rob others either. It also means people in the govt don't have a right to rob (tax) others either, otherwise it's not equality!
Now, if someone doesn't believe in equality then they might support people in govt being able to do things others aren't allowed to do but personally, I do believe equality so this is just my perspective.

pawansansanwal avatar

Corruption starts with us, and as I once i heard in movie that. "All of us Know we Men are fallible"

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