1darkmatter1's Blog


Unconventional Tips for Tilt Control

Let us start by defining what is Tilt.
Tilt is a poker or Trading term for a state of mental or emotional confusion or frustration in which a player/trader adopts a less than optimal strategy, usually resulting in the player becoming over-aggressive.
My friends have always expressed surprise at my typical remark when they tell me a bad-beat/ losing day story:
“No one cares,” I say. “More importantly, I don’t care, so don’t tell me a bad beat story again.”
I don’t do this to be callous. If I go …
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Texas Hold 'Em Poker Tournaments And Value Investing

Poker and investing are both about decisions amidst risk and uncertainty, played out in real time. The core of both poker and investing is the maximization of average profit based upon probability. In both activities, intuition is a dangerous guide. Quantitative reasoning, instead, is key to exploiting counter-parties. Both rely on the branch of economics known as utility theory. Utility theorists quantify preference orders such that a utility maximizer can determine how to make rational decisio…
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