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Skating in October!

It's only October and skating ring it out at the Rockefeller Center in New York City! Please let's not rush the holidays!!!
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mag avatar
mag 18 10月

very nice


Beautiful day in New York City

Another beautiful day in New York City. I love Indian Summer and I hope this weather will last. Below is a photo of Central Park.
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sonjatrader avatar
sonjatrader 15 10月

Nice and relaxing autunm picture !!


Evening in New York!

I'll take a credit for taking a beautiful photo of evening in New York City. It's rather brisk and chilly evening in New York. Autumn is here!
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sonjatrader avatar

What a beautiful skyline!!!

mag avatar
mag 9 10月

beautiful landscape.


My Day in New York City! Task 15

Although, none of my days this week were particularly interesting, I would like to take you through my day on Monday, September 9th. It was a fairly good and busy day. So, here it goes: 1. I started my day early in the morning with going to a hairdresser for a blowout. I don’t do this every day, but only on the days when I have to give market reports on TV in the afternoon. Photos of 'before' and 'after' attached: 2 Next, I was in the office working, but unfortunately I don’…
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seediee avatar
seediee 14 9月

Ooo and I wish to be in New York! :) now you have to go to see my task 15 with my summer vacation day! :) Enjoy Anna! :)

annatimone avatar
annatimone 14 9月

I did and I like your day..:) We should trade places..:)

seediee avatar
seediee 14 9月

:)))) for sure! You are very smart lady!

mag avatar
mag 15 9月

You are the next Sandra Navidi, is clear.

s_amira avatar
s_amira 15 9月

Very good story and photos about your day! :)


New York City from the Bird View

Can you imagine what the bird sees? Looking at New York City from a helicopter is a truly breathtaking experience. I saw a world famous city from a whole new perspective. New York has so much iconic imagery and seeing it from the air is nothing short of magnificent. The weather was good and slight overcast didn’t ruin it at all. You have to try this!
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