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Отсортировано по тагам:  New York

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Любите ли Вы театр ? А, если там организовать клуб? И не просто дискоклуб, а самый развратный, который будет полон знаменитостей, с барной стойкой инкрустированной бриллиантами , кокаином и сексом на каждом квадратном метре. Да, речь идет о знаменитом Нью-Йоркском клубе Studio 54.
Он был открыт 26 апреля 1977 Стивом Рубеллом и Яном Шрагером , которые до этого занимались ресторанным бизнесом и захотели попробовать новую сферу. PR менеджером была избрана актриса Кармен Д’Алессио , котороя впоследс…
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Trading pit

As expected, the biggest "trading pit" (trading rooms where traders transact using shouts and sign language) in New York and Chicago, where he had once bought and sold a variety of products, will be closed forever, because they can not compete with electronic markets.
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Evening in New York!

I'll take a credit for taking a beautiful photo of evening in New York City. It's rather brisk and chilly evening in New York. Autumn is here!
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sonjatrader avatar
sonjatrader 9 Окт.

What a beautiful skyline!!!

mag avatar
mag 9 Окт.

beautiful landscape.

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Squirrels from all over the world

Hello everybody,
I like squirrels and I have some pictures of them from “all over the world”.
First one is from London - Hyde Park, next one is from, second I met in Vienna and the last one lives in NY Central Park.
All were really cute and friendly!
For all pictures click full story.
London squirrel - Hyde Park
Vienna squirrel
New York - Central Park
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Only in New York!!!

Look at this guy who dressed up with a dog and a bird was walking around shopping mall. Only in New York!!!
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JBTrader avatar
JBTrader 25 Сент.

weird guy!

tonio avatar
tonio 25 Сент.

in India they dress like this a lot

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September 11 anniversary

Today is September 11 anniversary. United States of America pauses to remember attacks on the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and a Pennsylvania field marked the 12th anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks in 2001. More than a thousand people gathered today at the National September 11 Memorial plaza in Manhattan, for the annual reading of victims' names from both the 1993 and 2001 terror attacks on the World Trade Center. It was a very sad today in New York. My prayers go out to the people throu…
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Nadin5794 avatar
Nadin5794 12 Сент.

ужасающая трагедия...(

diamondlife76 avatar
diamondlife76 12 Сент.

Когда, это все случилось. я собиралась в школу за сыном. Начали показывать по телевизору прямую трансляцию. Оказалось так что я узнала первой и кому я не рассказывала никто не верил. В такое верится с трудом.

mag avatar
mag 12 Сент.

11 September day complicated by the mixture of feelings, always in the memory

forexgrange avatar
forexgrange 12 Сент.

Never forget...

Trader_Andrew avatar
Trader_Andrew 21 Сент.

NY will live forever!

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