
タグ・フィルター:  Mt Gox

BITCOINS: Mission Interrupted

Bitcoin in crisis. The collapse of the stock exchange Mt.Gox has damaged confidence in the virtual currency . But, what's the future now for the cyber currency after switching off Mt.Gox?
What's the future of the virtual money now at all, yet. The trading platforms are the Achilles' heel of the young Internet currency. Cyber attacks and dubious operators were causing for losses in former times.
Meanwhile, operators of other platforms try to appease: "The tragic betrayal of trust among users of M
翻訳する: 英語 オリジナルを表示
PPandM avatar
PPandM 2014年03月05日

@Reloaded: Well, the tulip failed on its way to becoming a currency. As a normal commodity, the use value of a tulip is limited, as it can only be viewed or planted.

PPandM avatar
PPandM 2014年03月05日

@XinFX: "Bitcoin is a technological tour de force" -- Bill Gates I'm surprised that so many people at the end of 2013 still seem to not understand what Bitcoin is. Oh well, at least I see things changing.

Reloaded avatar
Reloaded 2014年03月05日

I know what you mean but what happens when the cost of maintaining the currency is too high to worth it?what will happen then with all the speculative buyers who loaded the boats in hopes of it going higher? Does the annonimity of transaction still worth the risk and volatility of the transactions? for some they will but for most they wont. The trouble that happened when silk road went bust proved major flaws in this. You think it will be easy for any honest drug buyer to go to the authorities and complain Hey someone stole my weed money please help. I seriously doubt it.

Reloaded avatar
Reloaded 2014年03月05日

I like the principles that stand behing bitcoin and the other cryprocurrencies but Idk it seems they are open to high volatility due to limited market size(not so small for bitcoin though) and high speculative nature. The fees for transfering and converting bitcoins arent very good from what I hear as well. so whats the point. There are even ebooks and courses out there which teach everyone how to invest in bitcoin(buy now and sell whenever cause its going to the moon type ;)), when this things start to emerge its clear a crash its comin ;)

PPandM avatar
PPandM 2014年03月05日

@Reloaded: It is real money and it's a decentralized digital currency that floats like a real currency, except no one country backs it, the people who own bitcoins back it, and add value to it at the same time.


BITCOIN : Mt.Gox closed

The Tokyo-based Bitcoin exchange Mt.Gox now closed permanently. They confirmed rumors that they had lost track of nearly half a billion dollars' worth of bitcoins. On Friday, the operator presented a bankruptcy petition. Uncertain future for the digital currency?
The largest trade platform for the digital currency Bitcoin, Mt.Gox, has filed for insolvency. Debts of around 6.5 billion yen (46.6 million Euros) as reported. They are primarily for payments on the Internet to use . Last year the rate
翻訳する: 英語 オリジナルを表示
Maria_r avatar
Maria_r 2014年03月01日

wow )

ilonalt avatar
ilonalt 2014年03月02日

i've found it :)

Skif avatar
Skif 2014年03月02日

bitcoins умер ?

PPandM avatar
PPandM 2014年03月05日

Clever girls! ;)
