wind87's Blog



I'm "lucky" - I have my house. More precisely, my angle. One bedroom shelter in the homeless, which is the birth of a child in Georgia.
I'm lucky. The family decided to welcome me: about 5 percent of the family property was paid. More than you can. More than that. I do not have the right to rest. The rest of the brothers. The rest of the boys and the boys who were the boys. Boys often have no advantage except for a winning lottery in genetic lottery.
In ancient times it was necessary that one f…
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The Queen of Epatage

-The behavior that violates the norm and rules adopted at all. In case we talk about style, fashion, beauty, epatage and professionalism, stylist, visagiste, hairdresser-fashion designer, model, maker-up.
"A beautiful woman is at the same time and the abyss. What pleasure will you take to restore the beauty of the ceiling and how easily you will cross the abyss? " Beauty is really a big factor. The beauty seems like a trump of female sex.
As an act of popularity
Art in art…
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wind87 24 Dec.

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My 2017 achievements

In life, tries to develop and supplement one's life. they are looking for something new, interesting for themselves.
because every day there are new and new developments. Sometimes I feel bad when we remember the past and the seasons. We hear too much.
It seems that we are back in time to make mistakes and do better.
To succeed, it is important to know what we want.
On the eve of the New Year, we always sum up the outgoing, remember what we were at the beginning of the year, what desire was made…
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wind87 22 Dec.


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Vegetarian diet.

Vegetarian diet.
There are many kinds of vegetarianism, but most of them do not get food from animal origin (excluding eggs, milk and honey).
Over the years, studies have shown that vegetarians are less likely to be overweight and rarely worry about cardiovascular diseases.
Many well-known people are vegetarian and they think it's useful for us as well as for the whole planet.
Small list:
Alice Silverstone
Charlotte Bronte
Bernard Shaw
Albert Einstein
Jillian Anderson
Pamela Anderson
Leonardo D…
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Well-known diet for your health.

The word diet is a blend of French words Diete and Latin Dieta and marks the "daily ration".
Nowadays, the word diet can mean a few different points:
Food and drink in general
A list of defined quantities of food and beverage regulated by the therapist's objectives
Calorie restriction, which regulates the quantity and reception of food
Nutrition Ratio for Implementing a Healthy Lifestyle
This article will include more or less popular diets that are designed to keep your weight or just a healthy…
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Advice on life.

Opra uinfri is the leading talk show talk show. In addition, he is an actor and producer. Oprah is also known as the online portal and publishes the print magazine O, The Oprah Magazine. will introduce you to the advice of Upa Winfrey, which will help you change your life.
1. Be thankful
"Breathe. Remind yourself that this minute is the only one you really belong to. "
2. Well define who you are
"When you find out who you are, you can decide what's better for you."
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The idea of the New Year. II

If you're alone
Do not you have the other half? Beneath the table, burning desires, and then the smuggling of champagne for a long time does not justify. Well, that's all you can do and plan to do something good with your friends.
Here I am, for example, your slave-obedient, hubby's small costume carnival and I do not know what I'm doing. Good music, lovely people, fun and much, lots of fun. What better is it (obviously, if you do not have good sex)? This option does not require big finances and…
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The idea for the New Year.

Home vacation
The idea for the New Year.
How to spend a new year without forgetting I personally have a lot of life history in this regard: the boring evening starting from the sewing cottage, but it does not bother me, it's another topic ... no today.
If you are two
Do you have another half? Then the best option for you is two dinner, romanticly decorated dinner with candles. Do not you have such conservatism (or even banal)? Then a beautiful street, a bottle of drink and 2 bottles are absolute…
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Cheers to the New Year

"Happy New Year and another chance for us to get that right."
Happy Merry Christmas - Happy New Year! I wish you happiness, joy, buta, warmth and love!
The New Year is a great holiday for me. I do not know why, but this celebration means very, very, very much for me. Christmas and Holidays - This is the day when everyone forgets temporarily, troublesome and warms meets new ones. The new year is a symbol of the old forgotten and new one, I want to congratulate you once again for this wonderful ho…
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wind87 17 Dec.

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Men's Body Language

Wondering what is the most masculine style of seating and what's hidden behind it? Or why do you hammer the hair so often? Then this article is for you.
Fingers in the hair
The birds are clean, feather and smoother. The same thing is happening here: both women and men are trying to get the attention of the desired human being. That's why if you do it quite often in your presence, it's a sign that you're interested in yourself. If at the same time you are moving forward and smiling, ie. You have …
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