Yuko's Blog


Perfume reflects your character

The way how we feel and smell the world shows our attitude to it. The way how we choose what perfume dress tonigh shows how you express yourself. I think that very important choose how people will smell you today. With flower notes or fresh citrus in the summer day or maybe you go to the night party and going to wear something more heavy that smell of you stays all night along. However it's always matters only if you like your perfume and dress it firstly for yourself and not for somebody else. …
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Art and creativity

I've been always about to create something new - knitting, draw paintings, writing poems, music and songs!
When you go through hardest period of your life the only thing what keeps you floating is creat something and pull all patios to this with all heart and emotions ❤️ Then the result will truly amazing
All art works help open mind up, break the walls from stereotypes and let think and do out of standards!
One of the most exciting thing I can do everywhere any time is singing ???? Record mysel…
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Travel is my lifestyle

*You sit and check all the resorts in the world or beautiful pictures of the ocean make you depressed?
Stop waiting for miracle! Take your luggage and go! Why? There are at least 5 reasons to do that!!
1. Freedom
Changing place makes you feel free and more confident. Once you leave the comfort zone, many interesting ways open to you. World is spinning around as long as you go. No need to run in the beginning just walk and do what is comfortable for you and you will get it
2. Little party never k
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