anamatic54's Blog


A bit of soap opera

Movie night. Time of relaxation, favorite time of the day. Masks falls down, other comes on our faces,
Which face is your favorite mask? What kind of movie do you prefer? Me? I am oldfashioned movie lover.
In your favorite movie, you could find many hiden answers that you looking for. For example you are on
big crossroad in your life, where to go ,should you stay or you should go? The answer is quite simplier that you
think, no mather how hard is look like .Go where you can find your own p…
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Talking about Trends

Fashion.... The most powerfull game of the expression... Fashion is all about expressing yourself, playing ,having fun,.. It is not just to combin some part of the cloth. It is the passion for the expression, it is part of the lifestyle, you represent youself with your clothes, is it night out, business meeting, date,no matter for what situation you prepare yourself the cloth is the part of the life culture . Today fashion is the mix of different styles. I personally love style from the golden a…
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Winter Sales

Shopping... "Holly grail" of creativity... Holly spirit of holidays are still here... Creativity and good mood is in the air... We all love shopping and rest our minds in the peace a little bit. Shopping of art, can be very funny and creative. I love to buy presents for family and friends.
This winter i bought some interesting books for friends and me. And here are some results of my art work. Artist Henri Matisse inspires me, so i bought his book for very good price in Austria in city of Vienna…
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Hoard No More

Let it go... Let it go whatever makes you sad, bad, put´s you down, don´t appreciate you...Whatever don´t grow with you, don´t respect you , don´t giving you the maximun ,let it go... No one is born to be without love, everybody are born to have life full of happiness. Go always forward until you don´t find that ´´something´´ that will make you to be better person day by day... Life is too short for ´´friends with benefits´´ ´´love without love´´ , job without fellengs,bad acting... Just let it …
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Let’s get started!

Shine ,glow ,laugh ,happiness,euphoria... Love, hope, faith, ... And in just one second everything could change... But just one thing you cannot change... You cannnot change who you are, and what you are made for... You cannot change your own destiny.
I want introduce myself in one part of my life:
My name is Ana, i am coming from Serbia. I am an artist ,a painter. My hoobies are mostly connected with my main job: photography, fashion ,writting. I train also,i have an gym at home.
I chose this …
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miriam1313 avatar

Good Luck!

BenAqiba avatar
BenAqiba 12 Apr

Great post Ana

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