

Wonder Woman

Super power sounds beautiful and exciting! If somebody were handing out superpowers, I would be in the queue of fairies. I think it's so cool to get everything what you want and fulfill the dreams of others. When you are too lazy to go somewhere, the stroke of a wand is your clone. The gloomy face of the interlocutor waved wand and he forgot his bad temper or his problem is solved. Adorable! is not it ? How much it would be easy and pleasant and for those peoples who met on the way.
翻译为 英语 显示原始

Summer Plans

Hello everybody! I hope you great !! Briefly about my summer and my plans. Long time I've been dream about to visit Rome and finally my dream realized this year. It's really magical city where walking along narrow streets it is pleasant to think how many centuries to all beauty surrounding me.... how many great people was pass by same road !! A lot of attractions, delicacies, beauty and moral and esthetic pleasure was waiting for me on every corner. I will not list everyone, but I will focus on …
翻译为 英语 显示原始
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Debian 25 8月

Italia siempre me pareció un país interesante que algún día debería visitar
