atasoy's Blog


The Parakit - Save Me

Save me, save me
Shoot me down, blow me down
Save me, kill me (Erev shel shoshanim)
Shoot me down, blow me down
Save me, save me
Time to heal
Take another plane
Hide away my tears
Won't kill the pain
Afraid to run
I'm scared without my chains
Please, please no freedom
Please slave me again
Save me, save me (Erev shel shoshanim)
Shoot me down, blow me down
Save me, kill me (Erev shel shoshanim)
Shoot me down, blow me down
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DumbAsArock avatar

Wonderful! And I love it when she calls in the cavalry. LOL

Verona888 avatar

a nice song)

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Я бы очень хотела рассказать тебе всё,

Я бы очень хотела рассказать тебе всё, что я чувствую... потому что каждую ночь, когда я засыпаю, ты — всё, о чём я думаю.Я люблю тебя...
Я люблю тебя спокойно, вдумчиво, осознавая каждое мгновение нашего «вместе».
Я читаю тебя, как книгу, наслаждаясь каждым словом, улавливая малейшую интонацию Автора, не стремясь побыстрее узнать, «что там в конце».
Я знаю, что заслужила тебя и потому так берегу доверие, которое мне оказали Свыше.
Я хочу быть рядом всегда, до последнего взгляда, до последней ул…
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Duke Dumont - Ocean Drive nice song

on't say a word while we dance with the devil
You brought a fire to a world so cold
We're out of time on the highway to never
Hold on (hold on), hold on (hold on)
Don't say a word while we dance with the devil
You brought a fire to a world so cold
We're out of time on the highway to never
Hold on (hold on), hold on (hold on)
We're running all the red lights down
No way that we can stop, nah nah
A quarter tank and almost gone
Pretending we're in love, but it's never enough, nah
I wish we could ta…
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Chocolate recall: Mars and Snickers bars in Germany contain plastic

It seems as though the problem isn’t limited to Germany. The Netherlands is also recalling chocolate bars, as is France.Upda : Mars has now widened the recall to 55 countries, with the problem stemming back to a Dutch production facility. The US is not affected.Original article:Mars Inc. is one of those companies you know exists, you know is massive, but don’t pay much attention to. They produce some tasty chocolate bars we all enjoy, and we’re happ…
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Mariia avatar
Mariia 25 Fev

Interesting my friend

atasoy avatar
atasoy 25 Fev

This  Chocolate Turkey Ministry of Health outlawed.......

wisdom_consultant avatar

didnt know it

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Mars recalls chocolate in 55 countries

Chocolate maker Mars has ordered a recall of chocolate products in 55 countries.In the UK the products affected include funsize Mars and Milky Way bars and boxes of Celebrations.In the Netherlands Mars and Snickers bars were also affected.It comes after a customer in Germany found bits of plastic in a Snickers bar in January. The plastic was traced back to the Mars factory in the southern town of Veghel in the Netherlands.A Mars Netherlands spokesperson said: "We cannot be sure that this plastic…
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Afternoon summary

Afternoon summary[list][/list]…
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Mariia avatar
Mariia 25 Fev

well done

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Putin must be stopped.

Vladimir Putin is the Slobodan Milošević of the former Soviet Union: as bad, but bigger. Behind a smokescreen of lies he has renewed his drive to carve out a puppet para-state in eastern Ukraine.Innocent bystanders are killed in the Black Sea port of Mariupol. In besiegedDebaltseve, a wo…
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EURythmics - Sweet Dreams (Ibiza Deep Summer Remix 2015)

Однажды к каждому из нас,
Без выбора по сорту, масти -
Вдруг постучится тихо в дверь
Его единственное счастье.
Шагнет устало за порог,
Мол, извини, я заблудилось.
Минуя тысячи дорог -
Я здесь, я рядом,
я случилось.
Ты наливай горячий чай,
Теперь уж горе - не беда.
Закроет за собою дверь,
Оставшись рядом навсегда.
А я бесконечно ему благодарна. Потому что он первый, кто принял меня такой, какая я есть. Вместе со всеми…
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Baltic Dry Index Edges Up Again

Feb 15 (Reuters) – The Baltic Exchange’s main sea freight index, tracking rates for ships carrying dry bulk commodities, edged higher for a second straight session on Monday, on improved rates for large vessel segments.The overall index, which gauges the cost of shipping resources including iron ore, cement, grain, coal and fertiliser, rose 4 points or 1.4 percent to 295 points.The index had on Friday risen for the first time in 2016, having fallen nearly 40 percent during the year so far. It to…
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Panama Canal Crack Fixed

A large crack that threatened the delivery of the Panama Canal expansion and pushed its planned opening back by several months has been fixed, the project’s contractor and Panama Canal Authority (APC) said Monday.The ACP confirmed that Grupo Unidos por el Canal (GUPC), the Spanish-led consortium responsible for the design and construction of the Third Set of Locks Project, has successfully completed testing of the reinforcements in sill #3 of the Cocolí locks. The crack first appeared in August …
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