Isahanova's Blog



From the very childhood my parents tought me that the most important thing that you can give to someone is your attention. And now, when I grew up I understand that it is a true. You may buy expensive jewellery, cars, phones and so one. but if you will give it with no emotions, with no feelings, or if you will pay no You at the same time - there is no need for such gifts. Don't you think so?
I adore make presents. I can spend my salary just to make someone happy with the gift and it wodnerful. …
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RahmanSL avatar
RahmanSL 29 Dez

Present from the heart is much better than an expensive gift which holds no meaning.

Isahanova avatar

That's right :)

CriticalSection avatar

Nice job with this album - thoughtful, personal and creative!

Isahanova avatar

thanks ! And yes, a great thing about this album is that it's very personal. :)

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Погода в Риге, да и в целом в Латвии в декабре была абсолютно неприличной - слякоть, ветер, дождь, +10 и постоянно серое небо. И несмотря на то, что это вроде как новогодний и Рождественский месяц - ничего об этих праздниках не напоминало и не создавало приподнятого состояния. И видимо потому что это не нравилось абсолютно никому, погода сделала всем Рижанам большой и значимый подарок. Какой?
Вчера вечером, разговаривая по телефону, я как всегда стояла возле окна и смотрела вдаль. Мы говорили о…
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RahmanSL avatar
RahmanSL 29 Dez

Best way to celebrate the coming New Year is with someone or people who mean a lot to you.

Isahanova avatar


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Go hard or go home

Как вы уже, наверное, знаете - работаю я на Латвийском телевидении. Веду прогноз погоды, а еще делаю различные сюжеты. И про авто, и про мероприятия, а сейчас буду делать новые - какие пока не расскажу Но, давайте отмотаем время назад, пойдем из далека.
Работать на ТВ я мечтала еще с самого детства. Брала камеру и снимала себя и все что вокруг. Конечно, не обходилось и без микрофона в виде кулака. И когда в прошлом году так получилось, что я пришла на собеседование, а уже 30 октября прошлого …
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Isahanova avatar

Ой, прости, только сейчас увидела :)) Звучит интересно. Главное, что бы на работу не надо было идти ,как на каторгу! :))

Isahanova avatar

Даша,спасибо большое:))
Конечно можно. Даже нужно :D Я всегда выхожу в эфир неделю через неделю и конечно мейк апа очень много. у нас гримеры используют make up forever и всякие там консилеры, пудры и т.д.... Я каждый вечер тщательно смываю макияж мицеллярной водой garnier. и потом тоником, что бы кожа успокоилась, скажем так :) И у меня где-то диска 4 уходит + 1-2 на глаза :D Потому что много теней, тушь и подводка. Не каждый раз так много накладывают, но часто. 

DaShik avatar
DaShik 27 Nov

Впечатляющая история про казалось бы простое умывание.
Успехов тебе!

CriticalSection avatar

fascinating post and excellent presence on the screen - job well done to you -!

RahmanSL avatar
RahmanSL 27 Dez

It's very good that you enjoy your job and is also being appreciated :))

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Tasty tea

Today, having great walk in the forest I've walked more that 11 thousand steps and it's wonderful, because everyday human need to walk 10 thousand steps AT LEAST! Of course now I am tired and I have no enery to get up from sofa But I am happy that I did it. Of course it's not so big amount, but it gave me tonus and I feel that my muscels worked well.
So that it's getting more and more cold everyday - I wanted to drink something tasty, warm and healthy at the same time.. So I decided to go to …
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pipx avatar
pipx 24 Nov

I would love to try this!

Natalia_Kisenko avatar

looks delisious!

CriticalSection avatar

Your honey, orange and cranberry based tea looks and sounds super yummy... really like the grenadine idea too :) Since you have a passion for teas (and fruits) there's a place here in central london waiting for you - it's called Bubbleology and it's all about 'Bubble Tea' :) These are teas with tapioca balls (bubbles) in them served with really thick straws wide enough to suck the bubbles through - checkout the mouth-watering menu in the link above and the photo showing different flavours complete with 'bubbles' at the bottom))

RahmanSL avatar
RahmanSL 27 Dez

Yes, looks yummy

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Saturday morning

Hello everyone
First of all, want to congratulate Miss Dukascopy 2015! It was very exiting to watch live show yesterday and watch the votes. In this post I just want to wish you a very great weekends. I don't know which weather do ou have in your city, but here in Riga for a week or more we had only rain and absolutely grey sky! But today is shining sun and it's not very cold yet, so it's time to go outside, enjoy the life and to shine as bright as the big star, named Sun
Have a great time! And…
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CriticalSection avatar

not too much sunshine here at the moment but we create our own sunshine too, right?)) a wonderful weekend to you.

RahmanSL avatar
RahmanSL 27 Dez

Yes, congratulation to the winners

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What really Dukascopy is?

Hello everyone. Today is very special day for all of the girls, all of participants of this great contest - Miss Dukascopy. And for me personally it played a big role to be here, to let my self be expressed and heard by so many people. So much support, so much responsibility (yes, exactly responsibility!) and so many feelings that are left in every blog of mine. I don't know which result will I see this evening, so that everyone else. We, those 10 girls, are thinking only about the results today…
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Olga18375 avatar

Удачи тебе!!!

Isahanova avatar


RahmanSL avatar
RahmanSL 27 Dez

Yes, it's been a long year and even though most of us will never meet in person, we probably feel we know each other quite well.

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Don't forget!

I know that we all are busy and we have many plans everyday and many thing to do! But sometimes our brain tend to forget some things, that for him are not necessary What to do? Well, I won't tell you about vitamins , no. Organisers! There are so many of them now. Majority of people I now prefer organisers in phone. Me not, I like book organiser. Probably because when I write something - I better remember it. Also, book you can decorate with some stickers or mark it with bright color. Also, y…
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Isahanova avatar

Oh yes, that is true:) another option is to buy blackboard and put in in the kitchen or in living room and write everything there :) What do you think about it?

pipx avatar
pipx 19 Nov

That's better, I have a board that I do a bit of work on but its not for writing to-do list :-) The board idea is better than sticky notes :-)

Kozj avatar
Kozj 19 Nov

thousand of stickers around)

egypix avatar
egypix 20 Nov

I like book, and i do this many years ago its really helps to remember all what you need to do and also organise your time with the periority that you need

RahmanSL avatar
RahmanSL 27 Dez

Someone normally reminds me where and when I need to be :p...

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A little bit of kindness

Hello, my dear friends I want to share with you one more kind video. Soon in all cities all over the world will start preparations for Christmas. And we all are waiting for it. Because from very childhood we all believe in a miracle.
This short animation is showing once again that no matter what is human's work and what is he doing. Only your moral principles matters. Yes. If person is kind, sensitive, friendly and open-minded - everyone would like to be with that person. But when he or she i…
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Sharpshooter avatar

Считаю, что помимо посыла еще и шедевр короткометражки!!

Isahanova avatar

Да, шедевральность, оригинальность - это правильно подобранные слова. Думаю , что тут обошлось не без личного опыта автора. Как правило именно построенные на пережитых тобой эмоциях и чувствах фильмы - сильнее остальных! Много хорошего, но лучших единицы.:)

Sharpshooter avatar

Люблю лучшее)) Может, когда-нибудь сниму что-то такое... короткое...))  Есть такие цели) Плюс, еще и киноман)
Но и думаю, что не обязательно, чтобы сам пережил, но мог понимать и чувствовать...
Ладно. Далее лирика... )

Isahanova avatar

И я киноман) я снимала несколько короткометражек для университета. Сейчас тоже думаю про короткий метр, но грандиознее, если так можно выразиться :)
А Ты что-то снимаешь  уже , раз в мыслях такое крутиться?)

Sharpshooter avatar

Интересное совпадение))  Нет, к сожалению, я пока ничего не снимаю( Пока еще занимаюсь прагматичной стороной жизни. Поэтому здесь и подвисаю и трейдерю)) 
А касательно просмотров кино, то я качественное и хорошее кино очень люблю. Сложное, глубокое... умное и т.п.
А касательно темы, короткого или иного метра)), то думаю, что она, даже, слишком сложна...как для человека без специализированного образования.( Идея сложна по реализации. В этой короткометражке мне понравилась насыщенность смыслом, жизнью, эмоцией и прочим секунд и мгновений данного творения. Гениально... и профессионально.

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Autumn and Winter are cery cosy times. Time, when all you need is comfortable sofe, big cup of hot chocolate with murshmallows and good book or good movie. And there also is a thing, that can complete your perfect evening - candles. It's a little fireplace that can make atmosphere at your home more comfortanble and warm.
I love ,when candles are aromatic! And I want to share with you my top 4 of aromas.
1- Of course it's Lavender
The lavender calms, weakens, relieves of a stress and improves a d…
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Today,or more correctly to say on November 18th, 1918 Latvia became independent for the first time. After Soviet union it because totally independent on May 4th, 1990. That is why today Riga and all Latvian cities are celebrating this day. All people have their little holiday lasting for one day. No one needs to study, no one needs to work. Except TV Now I am at work. Just because news are working all day, all night. Here we go.
Also, in this evening beggins light show "Staro Riga".
Until thi…
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magic_wand avatar

Wonderful video! And a really good holiday!!!

Isahanova avatar

Yes!! It's great when something big is happening in the city :)

yurydain avatar
yurydain 19 Nov


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