Блог Kateryna26


What's in your Phone?

5 favourite Apps - 5 Favourite things of mine:
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RahmanSL avatar
RahmanSL 26 Дек.

How about trading the forex market? :))

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Black is forever. Little black dress will never go away. Hat and bag. #Fashion
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Be happy. Be healthy. Be fit ! Change your lifestyle

I feel like for such a long time people (especially young women) have been struggling with their weight: loosing , gaining, then loosing again, strict diets, no life, basically there is only one fixed idea in the head: HOW DO I LOOSE WEIGHT.
It is almost a fact that there is no perfect diet for everyone, moreover DIET as a term changed its sense completely. Diet as a way of eating NOT as a way of not eating The most important thing is LIFESTYLE. Some people have to change it completely in ord…
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Life is like a camera

There is a wonderful "girly" movie The Holiday. It is a motion picture about two women , who want to change their lives a little, take a break , so they decide to switch their homes for the vacation time at Christmas. Both have wonderful time, and most important , find their love.
This is the photo of Cameron Diaz and Jude Law. I loved Cameron Diaz role in this film. She is so real, elegant and funny. She was a lot like me, thus I would love to play her role if I would ever had a chance to.
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So here is another task: to compare ourselves now and 5 years ago. This is a photo I have of myself, 5 years ago, on a little photoshoot with my friends in my hometown.
This is how I looked at the similar photoshoot this year:
As you can see my passion for photography and modeling did not disappear and I guess I didnt change too much, what do you think?
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Ford. Model T. WOW

Today, I have done one of the most exciting things ever: I took a ride in the Ford Model T car of year 1911. The original Model T has been regarded as the first affordable automobile, the car that opened travel to the common middle-class Americans; some of this was because of Ford's efficient fabrication, including assembly line production instead of individual hand crafting. This is a legendary creation. This car became the symbol of affordability and freedom in the United States.
It is intere…
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Are you serious..!?

You don't need to go far to see examples of this. Due to many reasons : whether it is over self-confidence, lack of self-confidence or just a pure experiment, men do say strange things to us. I have a perfect example for that. One of the guys sent me this message right after the night we met:
"we could never get married. you're too beautiful, ... our babies would make everyone jealous..." and other things indicating that we shouldnt get together although , after awhile there was this, even mor…
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driven avatar
driven 10 Янв.

Haha, that first line is awesome. I'm going to steal it :)

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Tradition. Delicious.

What came to us from the ancient traditions of religion became a delicious drink of many over aperitif or dinner: wine.
I was happy to discover a very nice wine : Chateau de Pennautier tonight and that made me thinking of some interesting facts about wine, so I'd like to share some:
- We have monks to thank for our wine:
Monastic orders such as the Cistercians and Benedictines preserved and innovated the art of winemaking during the Middle Ages. It is thanks to their research and indefatigable e…
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The Grand Ballroom. The Plaza.

"The Plaza is an iconic link to the history and elegance of New York City. Located at the storied intersection of Central Park and Fifth Avenue, The Plaza hotel is at the center of world-class events and prestige."
To me, this was one of the most extraordinary places in NYC. I was amazed by all the stores, cafes, but most importantly: by the BALLROOM on the 3 floor. Few people know about it and actually go there, so I feel lucky to have had a chance to discover it.
Gorgeous lamps all around, bea…
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A friend in need's a friend indeed

I have always been the person among the group of people to know the directions right. So, when my friends need help with orientation, I am always there for them. Recently, I have noticed that I was actually able to give directions to people in new cities, which is pretty wonderful
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