peachynicnic's Blog


May god bless everyone a healthy body

Hi my lovely community,
I haven't wrote my blog for long ..
Anyone here missing me?
I guess I may have at least a few fandoms LOL
Anyway, I just wanna take a good rest from the contest
and recover from my illness .... my illness lasts forever ..
It is good to have someone care about you when you are sick
remind you to take the medicine on time
buy you some vitamin supplements
bring you lovely cup cake to cheer you up
(LOL my pills are as colorful as the cupcakes)
It is the privilege of being a p
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VictoriaVika avatar

Take care of yourself, Peachy :)  Yes, pills look very testy, LOL!

DominguezV avatar

Mejórate pronto!

agddivisas avatar

Cuídate y recupérate pronto amiga.

verindur avatar
verindur 10 Dec.

Yes Miss : )))))))))) There is one big advantage of being sick. You discover real people in your life and you become so polite. Love you peachy. I am sure you wil be fine.

RahmanSL avatar
RahmanSL 26 Dec.

I think, in the not too distant future, to live a healthy life humans just need to pop in some pills and do away with the mundane necessity of eating different meat and vegetables.

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Delicate patisserie cure illness

I have been sick for a weeks...
Sore throat, headache,non-stop coughing
I really hate taking medicines or consulting doctor
I am just a little girl ..I dont like swallowing pills ..It is bitter
When I was sick, I treasure the healthy moment ...
At least I can do whatever I want, eat whatever I like
I was forbidden to eat chips, spicy food or anything which would irritate my throat
And I was asked to sleep earlier , like 12am ...
Normally I sleep at 2,3am because there is the time difference
8 ho…
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cristianopires avatar

looks tasty :D

MobNaga avatar
MobNaga 7 Dec.


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Cool Ice-Cream Desserts suitable for 4 seasons

Hi my lovely community members,
How is autumn in your country? Is it cold and freezing?
What about having some more excitement in the cold autumn?
Today I gonna introduce you some brilliant Ice-Cream Desserts
I guess delicious Ice-Cream Desserts is suitable for four seasons!
Ice-Cream Desserts in summer? It is perfect!
Ice-Cream Desserts in autumn and winter? It is great either muhahah
I remember I still ate Ice-Cream when I was in freezing UK and it was below 5 degree
Even if you are in…
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cristianopires avatar


langoi avatar
langoi 11 Jan.

Cream Pie is nice

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Guardian angel in your life

Hi my dearest girls,
Have you met any guys before in your life who are willing to do silly thing to just make you smile
My ex (should be exex), who is a Taurus, I would regard him as my best boyfriend ever
He did a lot to keep me happy.
Still remember the high heels post? He bought me 9 pairs on my birthday and presented them in a surprising way
And, there was a time, I had a meeting in the University til 1am. I just text him it was a bit cold outside and I didn’t get enough clothes
He went…
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marius24 avatar
marius24 27 Nov.


WallStreet6 avatar

It's good to know that some girls even notice!

Martin20 avatar
Martin20 28 Nov.

So why dont u treasure me???

Martin20 avatar
Martin20 28 Nov.

U know I am always willing to be your guardian angel till this moment...

RahmanSL avatar
RahmanSL 26 Dec.

...hmmm.....well, once-upon-a-time there was this young lady who walked 3km (round trip) to purchase nes'cafe so that I can get my early and daily coffee :)

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Big Blow from Fundamental Analysis Contest

Few days ago, I decided to embark on trading starting from FA
I read the news every day and do the prediction in Fundamental Analysis Contest
To be honest, I am not a stupid type of beginner with learning difficulty..
But the result ends up so frustrating LOL
I got nearly all prediction wrong OMG
My current standing is seventy-something ?!
I was always the top 5 in Miss Dukascopy Contest LOL
Now you tell me I am the 73rd ?! LOL luckily Olga is with me …
Nothing to do with moaning about t…
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agddivisas avatar
agddivisas 26 Nov.

Good Luck!

VictoriaVika avatar

Keep calm, Peachy, and you will win soon :)

WallStreet6 avatar

Peace to all! With the fundamental it's a bit like the roullette. Last week there was news from China with impact on AUD/USD. I predicted the outcome right, the market moved in the direction accordingly to the reading, but just 2 minutes before the 10 minutes deadline the price jumped in the opposite direction above the level before the data. So, I forecasted the reading right, the impact on the price as well, but somehow the market moved back before the 10 minutes have elapsed. MY STRATEGY IN THE FUNDAMENTAL ANALYSIS CONTEST IS- DO NOT DO ANY ANALYSIS!

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The easiest way to make an amazing breakfast

Yesterday, when I was working on my assignment
And my friend was revising his exam
I took a quick glance on his computer screen see what he was viewing
I discovered he was not really paying attention to revising materials
But fluffy about viewing irrelevant cooking stuff ?!
Holy shit, why are you viewing the breakfast stuff, it is girls’ stuff, I asked
I can learn and cook for my girl, he replied
Oh .. what a sweet intention. Okay I forget him for not being concentrated in his studies
I …
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JvdS87908 avatar
JvdS87908 26 Nov.

I am hungry Peachy !!!!!  going to try !!

Ctrader avatar
Ctrader 26 Nov.

Nicole I think you have forgot sports Nutrition, ;) look my breakfast for this morning : one Shake - contain : 3 banana, 300 ml milk, 3 TBSP protein. yammy yam.

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A sweet breakfast and sweet day

I really need some sweet and lovely dessert to cheer me up
I am suffering from a huge assignment pain
Law assignment, eco assignment, HR assignment …. Countless
I want some excitements to spark me off YOHO
Brilliant and delicious patisserie and cakes always works well
I meant always work well on me lol
Sometimes I may find my life a bit bitter
Only sweet food can bring me bliss, also I don’t mind it comes with a warm hug
Alright, let’s have a sweet morning, cheers

Triple-Decker Strawb
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verindur avatar
verindur 25 Nov.

So today we know why sweet Nicole is also called peachynicnic. LOL )))))

verindur avatar
verindur 25 Nov.

You really specialise in marketing Sweeties. LOL )))))

peachynicnic avatar

verindur Sure, my previous job post is a marketing specialist LOL

agddivisas avatar
agddivisas 25 Nov.

like caramel cream cake!

RahmanSL avatar
RahmanSL 26 Dec.

Well, sweets/cakes/ice-creams/sodas/etc are great to eat....BUT keep in mind that what you eat & drink will always have this case it's that dreaded and incurable "diabetes"

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My dear friends in Dukascopy Community, please offer help !!

Waaah... I got an assignment and the topic of which is about ...
Consider the economic consequences of the sanctions imposed by several parties related to the Ukraine crisis

To be honest, I am not a good student .. I don't often pay attention in class
I am only good at marketing stuff, but not economic or trading theory
So I sincerely looking for help from you guys
Please tell me what to write in the assignment !
The word count is 2000 words
What should be the sub-headings?
What is a must to …
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fxsurprise8 avatar

verindur now that I think of it, little miss Star doesn't like my posts either...

peachynicnic avatar

fxsurprise8 You dont have many posts

verindur avatar
verindur 26 Nov.

fxsurprise8, but she likes you and your ideas. LOL )))))

fxsurprise8 avatar

peachynicnic actually I have a new article *shameless plug*

RahmanSL avatar
RahmanSL 26 Dec.

There are lots of articles and analysis in the internet....simply google search (i.e. type your question) whatever you want to know and you will find whatever you looking for. In essence, "Ask, and you will be given. Seek, and you will find".

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Delightful cakes cheer your Blue Monday up

Good morning community ~~
Welcome to the last Monday in November
It is time to cheer yourself up with great cake on Blue Monday
When I feel upset, I prefer eating many many desserts and sweet food
So dessert is always my happy pill, to cure my unhappiness
When I see the colorful cake and dessert, it cheers me up in no time!
Nothing can be as effective as dessert that help relieve my stress instantly
Let me introduce you 5 great cakes to cheer your morning up xoxo

Heavenly Angel Food Cak
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peachynicnic avatar

JockPippin Why not at the same time? Maybe it gives special excitement LOL

JockPippin avatar
JockPippin 24 Nov.

OK  Peachy I'm coming to your house for High tea  :) .Yummm the pudding looks delicious.Whipped cream ?? .

peachynicnic avatar

JockPippin Alright !! My door is always opened for you LOL , peachynicnic with whipped cream, how does it sound ?LOL

JockPippin avatar
JockPippin 24 Nov.

Sounds like it could satisfy my sweet tooth !! . I'm dreaming of seconds already  :) . What's that post code again lol.

RahmanSL avatar
RahmanSL 26 Dec.

Great for getting and being a future diabetes patient :p...

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Give a first try in Fundamental Analysis

Hi my lovely community,
Since Miss Dukascopy is coming to an end
Finally I have a bit free time really start working on something related to trading
I start working on the theory stuff, beginning with Fundamental Analysis, some Technical theories
This week is my first time taking part in Fundamental Analysis Contest
Actually I have been interested in it for a long time
Finally I can spare some time reading some news and do some analysis
I am not a professional one, just a new learner, but…
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peachynicnic avatar

Jacklin 媽的... 那 ... 你也猜錯咯? LOL

Jacklin avatar
Jacklin 24 Nov.

是啊,  一直 以为欧元区经济不景气现在 突然来个数据利好

peachynicnic avatar

Jacklin 對呀, 第一次玩就失利, 不開心

Jacklin avatar
Jacklin 24 Nov.


DominguezV avatar
DominguezV 25 Nov.

En este concurso puedes participar sin ser un profesional, simplemente tira una moneda al aire, "CARA Alcista" "CRUZ bajista", muchos éxitos.

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