Community Blog


Present yourself

Hi everyone. My name is Tetyana, I am 27 years old. Was born in Ukraine but now working and living in China. In my life I like everything witch depends fom art - exactly dance, sing and I create some clothes and head dresses for stage shows. All the time what I spend for my favorite work I am feeling happy because do what I like the most. This I wish for everybody. Good luck everyone.
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salamandra avatar

Good luck everyone

FomikSer avatar

Удачи в конкурсе!

voldemar avatar
voldemar 14 Jan

Только победа!

cerrah2014 avatar

ı respect your very hard job and wısh facılıtıes andd a good healthh

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Halloween Memories

Good Evening My Dear Community!
I love this already passed Scary Holiday))))) Like any other holiday we have it just once a year. This day is very interesting especially for children! Thats amazing opportunity for them as well as for adults to try on different masks from fairytails and scarytails)))))
Preparation are very important for this day and most of kids doing some interesting things by their hands including pumpkin faces and different toys.
For this purpose I can offer to use a clothes p
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Creative Use of Clothes Pegs

Live is all about creativity, it brings your colors and fun
Even very simple and not-thing-special stuff like clothes pegs
You can re-create it into some kinds of unique displays, decoration and tools
I will introduce you 7 ways of creative DIY of clothes pegs.
You can make use of clothes pegs with a can or lip of any bottle container
Align and surround the edge of the lip with clothes pegs
You may need some glue to fix it, and then add some decoration on the surface,
See, lip + clot
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bharatholsa avatar

inspiring !!

Stix avatar
Stix 31 Out

Really nice. :) :)

Tach avatar
Tach 31 Out


agddivisas avatar

looks very good!

peachynicnic avatar

thanks all :)

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Clothes Pegs: how to use it in creative way

Hello Community,
For fulfilling this task I turn on my fantasy can see a result!

1. You can use clothes pegs like game for children

2. Cloth peg will help you to keep closing bags with crackers, cookies, etc.

3. You can make creative HEART - little present for your beloved person on St. Valentine's Day

4. Clothes pegs can even preserve important notes on fridge

5. .....and decorate your Christmas or New Year's tree

6. Cloth peg can clip kitchen towel as
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Stix avatar
Stix 27 Out

I like the game for children. Lovely ideas. Thanks ! :) :)

TelisHellano avatar

Thank you Vale!

TradeTrading avatar

interesting and funny!!

Vale avatar
Vale 27 Out


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About me))

Greetings to all. Contest Miss Dukaskopi suited to the finale, so I decided to tell you about myself)
My name is Tanya. 23
years old.

I am very goal-oriented person.
I achieve what I really need!
My dream since childhood: to have 2 Education.
At the moment I am in the 2 universities. Studied law and economics.
I'm on the way to the dream of my life.
The knowledge obtained in universities, I use the full in their lives.
Two years ago I worked in a bank. But quit because I was offered a job
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diann avatar
diann 5 Nov


dombrovscky avatar

И то и другое. все вместе!

dima25 avatar
dima25 28 Nov

веселая жизнь!

vlad871452 avatar

Чанга кук!

ura25 avatar
ura25 30 Nov

замечательный и позитивный человек! именно в Турции мы и познакомились

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I'm Sporty Girl!!))

Hello Community!
As I told you already million times I guess I addicted with healthy way of life and sport of course! I'm very active person and hate to be bored. Thats point relates to sport as well thats why I'm doing different kinds of sport. I have already tried lots of different kinds of sport but will tell you more detailed about what I prefer nowadays))
So I'm having strong cardio workouts few times per week and the rest days I'm doing yoga. For me yoga is life, I love it a lot. It is am
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verindur avatar
verindur 18 Out

I can see that expression and naughty smile on your face sporty and Hottie !!!!!!

VictoriaVika avatar

Yes, Sporty and Hottie - its Julia!!!! :) The best :)

JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 18 Out

ahahahahah! You notice everything verindur))))))

JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 18 Out

Thanks Vika))))))))))))

Olga18375 avatar

good video))))

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Olympic Spirit

Hi !! Today I tell you about my Olympic spirit. In my childhood I was an active child.
I love football, in high school I played on the football team. I have a reward for this sport.. After football, I became involved in the struggle.At the first competition I won 1st place. But school years behind. Olympic spirit is not extinguished.
On today's time, I do pilates and strip of plastic to maintain in the form of summer. Presented on the collage of my favorite exercises. As they say "a healthy b…
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diann avatar
diann 28 Out


ipusa avatar
ipusa 28 Out

Ты и так в хорошей форме!

Tatyana4 avatar


vlad871452 avatar

как всегда на активе!

ura25 avatar
ura25 30 Nov

упражнение на 6 фото очень тяжелое, не все так могут

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Nicole's Olympic Spirit

Today my task is to demonstrate what Olympic Spirit is.
The essence of Olympic Spirit is –
Not to win but to take part, just as the most important thing in life is not the triumph but the struggle. The essential thing is not to have conquered but to have fought well.

Yes, we can also adopted it in our daily life.
I would regard Olympic Spirit as a self-believing will.
As long as you have faith in yourself, and you believe in yourself.
Just go for it, just do it.
Strong will allows you to t
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peachynicnic avatar

Stix Yes indeed :)

iiivb avatar
iiivb 14 Out

amazing the synchro-destiny! i am watching just at this moment a movie about Mexico's 1968 Olympic games when I ran into this post! :)

peachynicnic avatar

iiivb what a coincidence !! Hope you enjoyed the movie and my not-so-professional video :)

Skysea avatar
Skysea 15 Out

You should make more this kind of videos, my colleague said =))

TradingwithEA avatar

Haha, I like this video

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My Olympic Spirit

Олимпийский дух? Да-да, это про меня.
Начать хотя бы с зимних видов спорта. Я встала на беговые лыжи целый второй раз в жизни. И, думаете, когда это было? Конечно же на соревнованиях "Лыжня России". Это было смешно и потребовало всех моих сил. Итак, спустя 20 минут, 4 падения я все же добралась до финиша Даже немного гордилась собой. Шутка ли, второй раз на лыжах, но дошла! Тут я не буду упоминать свои результаты...
Конечно, это не единственное, что мне хочется попробовать.
А что касается подд…
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Skripochka_M avatar

SconesS, ай да я?)

SconesS avatar
SconesS 25 Out

Skripochka_M теперь осталось коня на скоку остановить)

Skripochka_M avatar

SconesS, и в горящую избу!

Shadowcat avatar

спортсменка, комсомолка и просто красавица! :)

Skripochka_M avatar

Shadowcat, вся в тебя )))

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Olympic spirit hihi Flyboarding!

Hey hellowww
my olympic spirit... when i was younger my Olympic spirit was bigger than know! i loved sports! especially Soccer i was very good in it! and i even had some opportunities for the national team! with gymnastics i always had the best scores! they even told me if you put the effort and energy in your school work like you do in sports you would do it great hahah! i loved soccer, Atletic , volleybal , and a lot more haha.
now i have other interesses i started to be more girly , when i …
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nessa avatar
nessa 12 Out

hahahah it looks cools!! i think you are very sportief!

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