jezz's Blog


Trader's Mind in Miss Vote - Spirit Indestructible

Lets please conclude this show - this is like picking your favourite football team. There is always injustice. Head up and move on.
We all spent and devoted some time to this. All those who found it wasted missed the point.
This is not a post by someone who doesn't care. I picked my favourites based on emotions - there were too many girls, too much of everything. Some just caught my attention, some didn't. And being a part of it made me less objective.
This special picture is devoted to Hypersca
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Is This the Beginning of Beautiful Friendships?

We have active girls this last week, as in Nick's post

I am glad it came to an end, so to see whose purpose was 'bling' and who actually wanted to become a part of this site. I must admit that I payed attention to some girls just now. As I said in my feedback - we did lose focus - more skin, less brain. So many empty, copied posts just to get more likes, so many not so good things. I can imagine what it was like to Dukascopy team to squeeze quality out of all that.
In the end,
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sonjatrader avatar

Hi Jelena of course I want to be your friend....I agree with you again in this blog. For me it is a pleasure to meet you:)) Kisses.Sonia

Furian avatar
Furian 9 Nov.

"....who have been watching us all over the site it must have been really fun...." priceless :)

jezz avatar
jezz 9 Nov.

now really - fitness techniques? beauty tips? i can imagine your faces reading stuff like that while making analysis for some contest :D

Nadin5794 avatar

+1) i am always here o_-

Metal_Mind avatar

Well we need some beauty tehniques from now & then.:::))))) .But really the contest was a blast of fun, informative also and very good to relax your brain from all the trading stress. I would like to Congratulate all the girls for the hard work and passion in writing their blogs.You all brought some ''color' to the community and cheerd us up!!!

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Fundamental Analysis Contest - if I traded like this...

Better and better.... halfway through, better than trader contest. Not happy, still this is nice to see
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jezz avatar
jezz 6 Nov.

seedie said once - work smart, not hard ;)

sonjatrader avatar

a clever thought!! I agree

ilonalt avatar
ilonalt 6 Nov.

nice results, jezz, wish you to win!

jezz avatar
jezz 6 Nov.

I never liked the iPhone anyway :-D thanks

Metal_Mind avatar

Keep working and don't never , ever , ever quit. ''Forex is hard to learn indeed ,but can be learned.''I started this jurney more than 6 years ago and today I can say with a high degree of satisfaction that those 6 years and all the money that i invested were for a specific purpose. "The purpose of learning''. I now see all things differently, i really see and have a vision of what is going on in the market and can predict quite accurate future movements. These things in the past were impossible for me.The hard part is almost over and the good things are on the way. BELIEVE!

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Trader Contest Day 3 - Greed and Non-discipline

Focused on my basic work, not focused on trading - not the way to do it. My predictions in FA contest are good, but I'm not following with trades - no focus. I had a good beginning in trading EUR/USD and then I got greedy. While not paying attention, another SL took the money.
That's why I'm 30k$ down... But I realized today - that's what it looks like spending someone else's money!
You just don't care, as long as it's not yours.
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ilonalt avatar
ilonalt 6 Nov.

as I wrote in my profile information in Miss contest about Forex: be careful and not greedy :) It is very important. Anyway, we still have 2 days with very important news and you may try to recover your equity. It is possible, if you will catch the luck :)

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Day 2 Girls' contest

I have changed tactics today and I'm playing - trading on news.
Since I think that my observations on Fundamental analysis are terrible, this is a way to confirm my predictions in Fundamental analysis contest.
We'll see how it goes.
EDIT 06.11. -
Picture 1 - trading pro or against USD with different pairs - 2 SL activated. News reactions were ok, only trading with small volumes.
Picture 2 - EUR/USD was supposed to bring the opposite of NZD/USD pair. And it did.
Sell NZD/USD didn't work out - not
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sonjatrader avatar

Hey Jezz you are 3rd in fundamental so not terrible at all :)

jezz avatar
jezz 5 Nov.

we are 7 news down, 12 to go. it is way to earrly to talk about that. but, I was playing, opened a hedge long position while short NZD/USD active (some news coming on both sides tonight) with another USD pair - it worked out fine, now NZD is still open with -7pips

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Trader contest - Warm up

OK. A few months ago I applied for the Trader Contest and gave up - the platform hated me - logged in for ages, or just kicking me out
Today it was almost the same, so here are the results of today's train(d)ing
Buy EUR/USD - luckily it was only 0.1 mil so SL took me 10 pips with the up/down at the news release.
Buy GBP/USD - still holding at -11 pips with 3mil. I'll just monitor the news to close on time
not good, not bad
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sonjatrader avatar

Good luck

jezz avatar
jezz 5 Nov.

update of the 1st day - one SL at 10pips and one stopped trade at +10pips

mag avatar
mag 5 Nov.


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Ups and Downs are the only Things that Must Happen

Sharing positive thoughts
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HelgaPehkel avatar

hah! for sure!

mag avatar
mag 4 Nov.

direct woman.... ;) absolute truth

sonjatrader avatar

Hey Jezz: each pain makes you more strong, each betrayal more intelligent, each desilision more skilled and each experience more wise; life is full of ups and downs, the trick is to enjoy the ups and have courage in the downs. Nice article :)

jezz avatar
jezz 2 Dec.

I have come to the point of absolute zen... sharing these things that I use to find pointless, because I couldn't practice them. These days I enjoy absolutely everything - my everyday job that usually sucks energy out of people (at least 60 working hours a week), my friends (few people that make me laugh), family (unconditional love :P)... which brought me to enjoy moments with that one person in a very new way for me. And pips around me are still going up and down...

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Piece of Peace and Quiet

It is almost over... some peace and quiet finally. Feels good to have real likes, have an avatar to reflect one's character - I
adore the little curious fox. Fox looks like a sweet animal, nice and fluffy. Yet, well known for its brain. I have the (fire)fox on many sites as an avatar for years. You can see the real me now - pretty much the same, fighter for justice in the world, cruel with bad people, nice and sweet with those who deserve it. Ambitious to beat myself each day a bit, to move for
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sonjatrader avatar

back neither for catch impulse,always forward !!! good point of view Jezz :))

jezz avatar
jezz 2 Nov.

You must train the mentality of the winner. Mature people don't fall, they just see something on the ground and lay down to check thoroughly :D then get up

mag avatar
mag 4 Nov.

That good photography

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Make me Miss Dukascopy

The fight between 1,5GB file and me is over!!!! Here it is, at the end of the competition, the summary of why it should be me.
The text is a part of what I said. Thank You and enjoy.
Two months ago I couldn’t say why – beauty hasn’t been my first argument in anything, nor will be this time. Participating in other conetsts and surfing through other members’ profiles, while receiving messages, expanding connections beyond this site made m…
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sonjatrader avatar

Jezz very good reasons
"Soul is dyed the color of his thoughts. Just think of those things that are in line with your principles and you can see the light of day. You choosse the content of your character. Every day, what you choose, what you think, and what you do, is what you become. Your integrity is your destiny...It is the light that guides your way." Heraclitus
Good luck :)))

jezz avatar
jezz 1 Nov.

Thank you Sonja. It is always a pleasure to read your comments.

zumba avatar
zumba 1 Nov.

you tube jezz!

seediee avatar
seediee 2 Nov.

Great jezz! You're so powerful and direct!!! Respect! :)

jezz avatar
jezz 2 Nov.

It was second attempt :D. In the first one I sounded like Tweety the bird and in Halloween edition - mostly dark with a glimpse of blond.
Thanks, it is harder to get 'respect' than a 'like' ;)

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My overview Miss Dukascopy 2013

My experience with Miss Dukascopy?
My experience started as 'what are you doing here, this is not for women in their 30s?' I came on this site to open a demo account to change broker, not to play :P
Initially I was not thrilled at all because it looked like a cat fight at some point. Then, as usual, I have decided to finish what I started in the best possible manner. WOW!!!
So many good people, rich community of cultures and beyond the boundaries of our contest pages. I realized I couldn't do a…
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zumba avatar
zumba 1 Nov.

Potenzial? Yes!

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