Erialda's Blog



Hello Dear Friends
I am not feeling good recently my country will be the home of Chemical Weapons of Syria, it is not fair...The protests are growing every day in different part of the world...Italy,Usa,Kosovo ...
We want to save our country, our lives, our air, our saying NO with our breath ...
The is an open letter directed to President Obama by a simple girl name Armela Bega , read what she writes "
Dear President Obama
I am a deeply concerned citizen of Albania, who like millions
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Erialda avatar
Erialda 15 Nov.

I dont want to speculate and increase panic , i think to let this to the future....i hope that referendum will give solution to this situation ...

stane2405 avatar
stane2405 15 Nov.

my best wishes

CriticalSection avatar

well done to Albanians worldwide who took to the streets and online to voice their strong opposition to allowing their country to be used as a dumping ground for the poison conceived by evil minds. The outcome shows the international community that Albania will not compromise its principles for the sake of appeasing the powerful architects of global chaos and instability.

shanziester avatar

inhumane activities. some people should be ashamed to be part of this world .

stane2405 avatar

money makes the world go round...

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Hello dear community members
Today is a special day for Top Ten girls, one of us will be crown and get the tittle of Miss Dukascopy 2013... I am very anxious ...i don't want to tell you , i hope to be me crowned, you already know this...
I want to enjoy this evening even online, i want to have beautiful moments and memories no matter what will happend because are moments that time will not give me again...
I really had the most beautiful 6 month of my life here,i laughed , cried, learned,surpr
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alincik avatar
alincik 8 Nov.

Here is also a legend, but the woman was built inside the walls of a monastery. "ARGES MONASTERY"

Erialda avatar
Erialda 8 Nov.

Oh i am glad you have a similiar story like my legend :)

ilonalt avatar
ilonalt 8 Nov.

Nice story Erialda, support from Lithuania!

Erialda avatar
Erialda 8 Nov.

Thank you my firends :)))

CriticalSection avatar

thought provoking.... very good post :)

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Hello everyone...
Since the contest ended and we are waiting the finale , i started trading like a forex trader
Today i have 10 closed positions , 10 good positions , no losing trades ,140 pips, 137k equity , may be i can do better as i did last year in August 400k in three days ... and in all month i did 800k
Do you believe this ??? Well is true ))
and in September 2011 i did 1.216,800 $ with 2800 pips ) still is unbelievable... i know ... i always ask myself time after time how i did it :
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Erialda avatar
Erialda 7 Nov.

I am so sorry ilonalt i supported you to keep going and to fight to demonstrate that you are a good trader , i am sure you will get up soon ...

diamondlife76 avatar

всё правильно, нужно придерживаться своей системе)

ilonalt avatar
ilonalt 7 Nov.

dear Erialda, thank you for support, but it seems that you will get iPhone :) I've made a big mistake and it is too hard to get up so soon in one day :) I wish you Good Luck tomorrow in final of Miss 2013!

Erialda avatar
Erialda 8 Nov.

I am sure you will get up soon ilonalt, i will not trade today , i close for this week, i have to prepare for the Forex Geneva Event, i don't have time to watch the charts today, so keep going my friend :)))

CriticalSection avatar

Nice job on those closes Eri :) The 200 pips south is an outlier, your 10 previous positions support what you're generally doing :)

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Hello dear friends
All these days i spent more time with my family , i wanted some little vacations ...
I was very surprised when i saw my inbox was full of sms of "Good Luck" or "Congrats for being in Top 10"...and first i want to thanks all my friends here that congratulate me for being in Top Ten and for giving support to keep going .... and to believe in my victory .Many of them told me that i have all the chances to win this contest cause i worked hard and they liked my blog, my articles
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mohands_moslim avatar

nice words , good luck

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"Pink has many shades -some lighter, some darker" wrote in one of her articles Carole Renouf CEO National Breast Cancer Foundation.October is the breast cancer awareness month and today i want to dedicate this post to this terrible disease,because i want to give a contribute like others by informing all women in this contest and by saving lifes ... Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women worldwide but what is breast cancer ...? Breast cancer is an uncontrolled growth of breast c
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Erialda avatar
Erialda 28 Oct.

Yes you have right alincik :(

ilonalt avatar
ilonalt 28 Oct.

the most important thing is to determine, operate and treat it early, in time. The other one - positive emotions and believing that everything will be all right! Personally me, know many woman who live more than 10 years after operation. One more important - regulary check health! Some years ago I was shocked when died my neighbor, she was only 37 years old and was mother of 4 children!!!! Many years there was a little lump in her breast, but she didn't go to a doctor, she had no time, grew her children.... and after many years when cancer was determined, it was too late to do something......

ilonalt avatar
ilonalt 28 Oct.

it was a deep shock for me, because I knew her well and she was excellent woman, wife and mother ! And now her children growing without their dearest person in their life - their wonderful Mother!

CriticalSection avatar

Great post around a difficult issue. +1 for providing clarity around the statistics. I personally know scientists working on various classes of cancer here in the UK, from detection to prevention and of course treatment. There is very positive expectation about eliminating or drastically reducing instances in some classes very soon (medical trails still to be done and methods still to be stabalised outside lab conditions) but a general cure is still some way off. There are afterall many reasons still not fully understood why individual cells become defective and begin growing abnormally :((

Metal_Mind avatar

very crucial information presented here!!

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"People are not born great conversationalists, they become great conversationalists" -keep in mind this.If you are looking for new job or want to enlarge your network , business events are the best place, where you can meet different persons with different qualities,but not all the persons enjoy this ...
And you are not alone... Many people feel anxious and nervous when entering a room filled with unfamiliar faces...feeling a bit awkward and
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drishti avatar
drishti 28 Oct.

Very nice. :)

mag avatar
mag 28 Oct.

many business card and pen

Metal_Mind avatar

yes great advices1!

webmaster33 avatar


Erialda avatar
Erialda 8 Nov.

Thank you :))))

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Watch the most beautiful advertise ever made in Kosovo for Prishtina International Airport "Adem Jashari " with the tittle "Ready for the World ", is very sensitive and i love it ...
Watch the video you will not be dissapointed !!!
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CriticalSection avatar

My ears love your gift :) I was listening to Macedonian Mix yesterday - along with this - I hear really nice sounds coming from that part of the world - Thanks :)

WallStreetBlog avatar




Evelina123 avatar
Evelina123 22 Oct.

i like it

Metal_Mind avatar
Metal_Mind 22 Oct.

Love the music in the second video. This balcanian inflexions are unique in the world and very nice.

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As you saw my tittle, and as i wrote in one of my blogs, yes my origin is from Kosovo.My great-grand father in 1912-1913 left Kosovo and emigrated in Albania ,because of the first Balkan War and Kosovo was cut from the geographical map of big Albania, and surrendered by the Big Power Countries to Serbia, and now we live here but we still are keeping our traditions, and relations with the other members of the family in Kosovo and Macedonia.Last weekend i did a trip in Kosovo , to meet our relativ
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Haynes6EU avatar
Haynes6EU 22 Oct.

I want to be there once :D

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Hello dear community members !
As we are a big community with people all around the world,Muslims, Christians, Orthodoxs,Hindu,etc all these religions have their celebration day and today is EID MUBARAK ,celebrated by myslim people.
So as a myslim woman ,i want to wish all the myslims persons here in Dukascopy Community and all over the world:
HAPPY EID MUBARAK ! May GOD bless you and fill your life with peace,joy and prosperity in this world and here after ...

Have a nice day !
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Roger123 avatar
Roger123 15 Oct.

very nice, you are very kind thinking of others, Eid Mubarak for you

marius24 avatar
marius24 17 Oct.

is the first time when i hear about this day :)

aslamhammad avatar

Eid Mubarak :p

Bilal_Ahmed avatar

Eid is biggest and special event for Muslims and they celebrated eid in all over the world and on this day people wish to each other’s with different and loving ways. This year wish your friends with best and unique words and make them happy.

<a href="URL">Eid Wishes Collection</a>

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Hello my friends , how was your weekend...?
I hope well cause i had a wonderful weekend in Kosovo, but for this topic i will tell you more in other blog ...Today as i said last week : every Monday i will bring to you weekly horoscope, so i call all superstitious persons here to read the horoscope of 40 years experience veteran astrologer, i wont tell you his name, is a secret ...
So find your zodiac sign and read it, i hope universe has booked very wonderful week for all of you
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CriticalSection avatar

a cautious outlook for Virgo :) indeed many clues surfacing and new opportunities requiring exquisite mental clarity in order to derive successful negotiations :) the weekend was excellent with time spent meeting some amazing new people including one famous winner of Miss UK :) I must take heed
, the stars are in delicate balance at the moment :)

Teuta avatar
Teuta 14 Oct.

Eh,Virgo- Love&Romance...I like it!

marius24 avatar
marius24 17 Oct.

i am a Virgo :).

Magic_FX avatar
Magic_FX 18 Oct.

+ 1 vote!

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