annatimone's Blog


The ideal age for women to get married is...

As women we have a lot more choices in life now. Unlike our mothers, we don’t have to get married in earlier 20s and we can postpone marriage and family to pursue education, career and independence first. However, sometimes having too many choices in life might make things more complicated.
What is the ideal age for women to tie the knot? When it comes to education, economics, personal development and childbearing goals, below are some pros and cons of getting hitched at every age:

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Nadin5794 avatar
Nadin5794 24 Sep.

идеальный возраст 25-30 лет,до рано,позже уже ни одна женщина не согласится)))

seediee avatar
seediee 24 Sep.

I married at age 30. And I take a break to focus on child-rearing, It takes a serious toll on my career. But, I have never regretted! They are my treasure. And now is right time for me to get back to work after I gave them the best first years! :)

annatimone avatar
annatimone 24 Sep.

But on the other hand, getting married in your 30s is much harder. And it's getting more and more difficult with age.

JBTrader avatar
JBTrader 24 Sep.

later is better

sonjatrader avatar

I think that the ideal for marriage age is 30-35 if you want to have children. I have 42 I am not married and have no children. I feel married to my love with which we have been together twelve years.

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What Your Facial Features Say About Your Personality

Yes, your face is saying something. You're born with the features you have for a reason. The face is a map of your personality as well as your whole life. Hot off the heels of a study that revealed whether you're a fling or wife-y material, we wanted to know more about what our eyes, nose, mouth, etc., are telling the world. Here, the lays out what your facial features communicate about you (or your boyfriend or best friend), based on studies in 3,000-year-old face reading derived from Chinese m…
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Erialda avatar
Erialda 16 Aug.

Uau great article ana, i like it , i have a rounded forehead,strong eyebrows, big beautiful eyes, prominent nose, larger bottom lip, small chin, strong around cheeks,and strong jaw, well lets summarise= amasing woman :P

meyermasha avatar
meyermasha 16 Aug.

Erialda:D:D You are overmodest today, I like it :D

Erialda avatar
Erialda 16 Aug.

@ meyermasha : i am once in week :D

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What does your sign say about you?

Some of you probably don’t follow zodiac, but there is a lot to it. Astrology is an ancient science that helped ancient man to survive. Your zodiac sign depends on the position of the Sun on the date and time of your birth. The Sun symbolizes your basic personality. The Zodiac sign it occupies describes your character’s essential qualities. The Sun, by sign and house position, describes your ego’s central traits. Your Sun sign describes your core personality and it’s the most important s…
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Murmuletochka avatar

Cancer... seems to be true :-)) if to belive... but I think there much more interesting things to believe more

annatimone avatar

Gemini is an air sign, that’s why Gemini are good communicators. Gemini thrives on air and freedom. Cancer is a water sign, very sensitive and aware of their emotions. Cancer love being close to water and generally love seafood.

Nadin5794 avatar

well yes its me/pisces

mag avatar
mag 8 Aug.

Sagittarius, the greater part of the definition if that fits in with me.

annatimone avatar

Sagittarius is the traveler and the explorer…:) I hope you are doing well, Marco

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Task 8 - My Purse and I..:)

I think I can speak on behalf of most women saying that the bigger the purse the more unnecessary stuff you carry in it. And these days as fashion dictates, big purses are in! Although, the purse is a common objects carried by millions of women (and some men) of various ages and cultures around the world, there is a sense to mystique attached to each individual purse. What can she carry in her purse? What can contents reveal about the person? Women might have….make-up (a must!), wallet (practic
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Nadin5794 avatar
Nadin5794 30 July

Excellent design of a bag(very correct subjects "just in case"))!)..

annatimone avatar

Thank you..:) I like the color, very summery.

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Task 4 - What Do Women Talk About?

What Do Women Talk About? I hate to tell you this, but women rarely if ever talk about forex or stock market or investing. Even if women work in financial industry, rarely conversations go in direction of what to buy or sell, or where the economy is going. Generally, girls talk about what they THINK is going on. Depending on the day of course, but usually a lot of comparing (women are very competitive with each other), doubting and complaining goes on. It’s very common for woman to complain …
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Nadin5794 avatar
Nadin5794 27 June


alexv avatar
alexv 28 June

Hello. Could you please add the 'Task 4' tag?

alltrade avatar
alltrade 30 June

Ok, so the terrible advice is given on purpose :D

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