Neetu's Blog


Korean Commerials are cute. (videos here)

Why? Neetu. Why?
They're so cute! I like them. So what if they make no sense.
Don't judge me.
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Waves avatar
Waves 30 Oct.


Roopy avatar
Roopy 31 Oct.

OMG they are so hilarious!! don't make sense but makes me want to buy the product. How weird lol.

Roopy avatar
Roopy 31 Oct.

I seriously love these

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Gradation lips

Hey guys,
In my video I mentioned gradation lips. It's a hugely popular way to do makeup in Korea and started a few years ago. Usually it's done with lip tints and not lipsticks. A lip tint can look like a lipstick or gloss but it actually stains your lips and wears for a longer time cause your lips get tinted.
I also mentioned that Etude House is one of my favourite brands for Makeup.
Here is one of their newer products. These creamy lip tints are moisturizing and really nice and were released …
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Waves avatar
Waves 30 Oct.

beautiful lips

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Kawaii trends and Tokyo Work and Life (pics, video)

Recently my blog posts have been really quirky. Probably most traders aren't like me, but there are a lot of cute and trendy girls here too so who knows. Even if you aren't into fashion or Kawaii style, it might be interesting to see what's going on and what Young people are into these days.
I live in Italy where fashion trends are a lot more conservative and classical. In Tokyo, more than in L.A or any other place I've been to, there are no rules and anything goes. You can be whoever you want a…
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Ari101 avatar
Ari101 21 Oct.

This seems really neat, I think nobody would ever have the courage to wear this makeup and hair!

Neetu avatar
Neetu 21 Oct.

Just everyday in Tokyo, doing that in Europe is a completely different thing

Roopy avatar
Roopy 23 Oct.

wow. you're such a world traveler! Cool!

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Shironuri, Pamyu and others in Harajuku

There are many interesting looks and shops and fashion in Tokyo. Here are a few. Gyaru, White face, mambo, and Others.
What do their families think of their look?
Let's watch!
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Nadin5794 avatar
Nadin5794 10 Oct.

Neetu вы можете дать несколько советов-куда сходить в Токио,я возможно туда поеду и буду признательна за ваши подсказки

Neetu avatar
Neetu 13 Oct.

I used google tranlate and understood. Usually it doesn't work. Are you going to Tokyo? You have to go to Shibuya 109 which is a shopping centre in Shibuya. Also Takeshita dori which is a shopping street in Harajuku. Tamadoubutsu koen is a zoo near Tokyo and really nice. If you go to the Disney parks, I like Disney Sea better than Disney Land. I reccommend going during Halloween. Try the Cakes at Cozy Corner and The Hada Labo skincare. There's a lot I could tell you. When are you going?

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Halloween is coming.

Hey guys,
I'm gonna be painting faces at a fair tomorrow. This is one look I'm gonna do.
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Halloween is coming.

Hey guys,
Halloween is my favourite holiday and one of the oldest in the world, dating back to about 3000BC and the druids.
Now a lot of halloweeny things can be found in stores including makeup kits and ranges.
Here's a pic of the Ardell Disney Villains False Lashes and Im interested in the Malificent one and the Ursula one.
Wet in Wild has a cool range of items. I want the vampy one of course.
Now all I need is some good fake vampire teeth. anyone know where to get some good ones?
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Neetu avatar
Neetu 21 Sep.

I'm all about cute. lol.

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